322 Results for
Akebia Fruit



Akebia quinata grows to 10 m (30 ft) or more in height and has compound leaves with five leaflets The flowers are clustered in racemes and are chocolate-scented, with three or four sepals The fruits are sausage-shaped pods which contain edible pulp The gelatinous placentation contains seeds surrounded with white pulp, that has a sweet flavor The fruit contains a sweet soft pulp resembling a white dragonfruit, eaten primarily in Japan as a seasonal delicacy

Dekopon orange Fruit



Originally a brand name, 'Dekopon' has become a genericized trademark and it is used to refer to all brands of the fruit; the generic name is shiranuhi or shiranui Dekopon is distinctive due to its sweet taste, large size and the large protruding bump on the top of the fruit The The fruits are usually grown in large greenhouses to keep them at a constant temperature, and are harvested from December to February (winter in Japan), while in the case of garden farming, they are harvested from March to April[6] After harvesting, dekopon are usually left for a period of 20–40 days so that the levels of citric acid in the fruit lower while the sugar levels increase, to make a more appealing taste for the market

Watermelon guva Fruit


Psidium guajava

The most frequently eaten species, and the one often simply referred to as "the guava", is the apple guava (Psidium guajava) Guavas are typical Myrtoideae, with tough dark leaves that are opposite, simple, elliptic to ovate and 5–15 centimetres (20–59 in) long

Argania spinosa Fruits



Argan (Argania spinosa (L) Skeels) is a thorny tree from the arid and semi-arid regions of Morocco and Algeria It is mainly cultivated for its oil and it is an important fodder tree in Morocco, particularly for goats The fruit pulp and the oil extraction by-products are also fed to livestock

Strychnos spinosa Fruits



The canopy is flattish and irregular and the tree is heavily branched Produces small greenish-white flowers in dense heads at the ends of branches (Sep-Feb/Spring - summer) The fruit tend to appear only after good rains The smooth, hard fruit are large and green, ripening to yellow

Monkey Fruits


Artocarpus lacucha

Artocarpus lacucha, also known as monkey fruit, or Monkey Jack fruit is a tropical evergreen tree species of the Moraceae family The plant is distributed throughout the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia and is available in some Asian countries like Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos The tree is valued for its wood; its fruit is edible and is believed to have medicinal value Some of the popular common names of the plants are Monkey jack, Monkey jack tree, Monkey fruit and Monkey jack fruit

Jaboticaba white Fruits


Myrciaria aureana

Jaboticaba white fruit is a slow-growing evergreen that can reach a height of 15 meters if not pruned It has salmon-colored leaves when they are young, which turn green as they mature The tree prefers moist, rich, lightly acidic soil It is widely adaptable, however, and grows satisfactorily even on alkaline beach-sand type soils, so long as they are tended and irrigated

Jaboticaba red Fruits



Jaboticaba red fruit is a thick-skinned berry and typically measures 3–4 cm in diameter The fruit resembles that of a slip-skin grape It has a thick, purple, astringent skin that encases a sweet, white or rosy pink gelatinous flesh Embedded within the flesh are one to four large seeds, which vary in shape depending on the species

Jaboticaba (Plinia cauliflora) Fruits



Jaboticaba is a slow growing shrubby ornamental evergreen shrub or small tree, reaching a height of 4-12 meters Branches emerge close from the ground, spreading to a wide, dense, round, and symmetrical crown Flowers and fruits form low in the trunk and branches Flowers are small, staminous, white, and cauliflorous

Jaboticaba Yellow Fruits



Yellow fruiting species with a distinctive sweet tangy flavour reminiscent of pineapple We consider this tree a showpiece Its lime green leaves have an unusual soft, almost powdery appearance and its beautiful golden green pendulous branches make it a worthy feature in the garden for its highly ornamental nature The fruit of the black jaboticaba is becoming more popular and widespread (I even found some on the shelf of a local grocery store here in Lismore last week) while the yellow jaboticaba still remains a mystery to many

Lacmellea oblongata Fruit



Lacmella oblongata:dwaf treee with larger fruit than other Lacmellasweet miky sap and pulp eaten or made into chewing gumLacmella oblongata is Apocynaceae family The tree is harvested from the wild for the local use of its edible fruit and latex



Ananas bracteatus

The variegated-pineapple is Outstanding Edible Container Plant! The leaves of this plant are a multi-colored mass of yellow and green stripes The Variegated Pineapple plant will signals its approaching fruit stage by turning a beautiful cherry pink at the base of its fronds It soon sends up a short stalk topped by pale white pineapple with a flaming red top

Mangosteen Fruits



Commonly known as the queen of tropical fruit, mangosteen treesproduce some of the most delicious fruit in the world Mangosteen trees need a warm climate in order to survive and they can be naturally found in southeastern Asian countries It can be difficult to naturally grow mangosteen trees if you don't live in an area that's between 40 degrees Fahrenheit and 37 degrees Celsius Mangosteen trees can die if the weather becomes too hot or cold or if a drought occurs

Mexican Mangosteen



The mexican Mangosteen fruit probably be Garcinia intermedia(Lemon drop or cherry mangosteen)The fruits have sweet sour tasteMexican mangosteen is the upgrade of starfruitMangosteen is a tropical fruit

Seashore Mangosteen



A small tree that grows up to 6m in height Straight trunk, densely branched White latex present White flowers that occur in clusters of 1 to 3

Willughbeia Angustifolia


Willughbeia angustifolia is a very vigorous climbing shrub that can produce woody stems up to 60 metres long The stems can climb to the tops of the trees in forests The woody shoots attach themselves to other plants for support by means of hooked, leafless branchlets The fruit is harvested from the wild for local use Uses The fruits can be eaten fresh

Willughbeia Sarawakensis


Willughbeia Another of the strangely rare and virtually unknown Willughbeia species, this having orange-brown skinned fruits with reportedly delicious orange colored pulp flavored like sherbet The fruits are roughly pear shaped A large, vigorously growing jungle liana Little other information is available about this species

Willughbeia Elmerii


Willughbeia: An extraordinarily rare fruit from the jungles of Borneo The fruits are large, weighing up to two pounds, and round, with brown skin Pulp is white, very sweet, with tart overtones, and is delicious Growing Environment Adapted to a humid, tropical environment

Mahkota Dewa Fruits


Phaleria macrocarpa

Mahkota dewa fruit or phaleria macrocarpa and also know as God’s Crown is a powerful healing herbal fruit which is full of antioxidants This wonderful fruit is full of healing qualities including boosting vitality, healing skin disease, helps with diabetes, heals gout, lowers cholesterol, helps prevent heart disease, helps with kidney disease, boosts immunity Plants are also effective to treat the diseaseFlowers crown the god or Phaleria macrocarpa Leaves single, elongated oval pointy toes

Matoa Fruits


Pometia pinnata

Matoa is a typical fruit of indigenous Papuans This sweet fruit flavors such as fruit or fruit kelengkeng rambuatan Matoa trees grow tall, and its wood could be for furniture or frame - frame house The fruit is a seasonal fruit which bear fruit in September-October

Duku Fruits


Lansium parasiticum

Lansium parasiticum, also known as langsat or lanzones, is a species of tree in the Mahogany family The plant, which originates from western Southeast Asia, bears edible fruit It is the provincial flower for the Indonesian province of South Sumatra Duku contains the benefits of vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant

Dabai Fruit


Eugenia candolleana

Dabai fruit plants is a little fruit with a learning curve It’s a favorite throughout its native Borneo, but if you bite into one without preparing it properly, you should expect an experience similar to biting into a rock-hard, pinecone-flavored olive With a simple soak in hot water, those harsh flavors become milder and dabai develops a taste that people pay top dollar for The skin on the dabai fruit is black and shiny, while the pulp inside is a contrasting yellow

Ruby Longan Fruits


Dimocarpus longan

The Ruby Longan fruit is the most recent varieties of fruit crop varieties and the latest and still one derivative with longan Aroma Durian Red Kelelngkeng fruit has a fruit size diameter between 15cm to 3cm In addition to having a seductive colored kilogram (exotic) the flesh is also thick, even the level of sweetness reaches level 21 briks

Patinoa almirajo Fruit



Almirajo is a tree growing up to 18 metres tall The edible fruit is highly esteemed in its native Colombia, but is little known elsewhere The tree used to be planted as a fruit crop in Colombia and Brazil, but is rarely grown at present

Miracle Fruits


Synsepalum dulcificum

Miracle Fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum) is a berry born on a small shrub native to Ghana, Africa The fruit contains a unique glycoprotein called miraculin that binds to the taste receptors altering the natural flavors of food in such a way that undesirable flavors are masked and the desirable flavors are greatly enhanced The effects of the miraculin have been shown to mask the overwhelming metallic taste food can get after chemotherapy that causes extreme nausea and can lead to patients developing an aversion to eating and unwanted weight loss

Dragon Fruit


Prunus avium

The bright pink fruit with its scaly outer looks exotic no doubt, and probably this is the reason why it dons a mystical name – dragon fruit Belonging to the cactus family, it gets its generic name drawing from what the locals refer to it throughout Southeast Asia The scaly outer encloses a white or red fleshy inner specked with black seeds, which is sweet in flavour and extremely refreshing Known as pitaya in Hindi, it is a powerhouse of nutrition, equipped with many health benefiting properties Moreover, it is low in calories, zero cholesterol and full of antioxidants

Dragon Yellow


Yellow Dragon have an oval to oblong shape and are slightly smaller in size than the pink varieties measuring approximately 10 centimeters in length Their thick skin is covered in large, fleshy scales and boasts a bright yellow hue When immature the exterior of the fruit is protected by a layer of long spines which naturally fall off as the fruit matures Within the fruit is a spongy yet dense white flesh speckled with numerous petite, edible black seeds

Dragon White


Dragon fruit can be found year-round, though the season peaks in summer and lasts into early autumnTo choose a ripe dragon fruit, look for bright, even-colored skin A few blemishes on the skin are normal, but if the fruit has a lot of blotches, it may be over-ripeDragon fruit will cut quite easily

Dragon Sanignacio


Pitaya fruit, pitahaya fruit, commonly known as the dragon fruit, is a fruit from Central America, South America, and Asia It is a favorite to many, particularly people of Asian origin It has a light sweet taste, an intense shape and color, and has a texture of between that of a kiwi and an apple In addition to being tasty and refreshing, this contains a lot of water and other vital minerals with varied nutritional ingredients

Dragon Country Road


The Pitaya is more commonly referred to as the dragon fruit It is an extremely beautiful fruit that has dazzling flowers and an intense shape and color The dragon fruit is usually a dark red color, although some types of this fruit are pink or yellow The skin of the dragon fruit is a thin rind

Dragon Armando


Armando is a Dragon Fruit variety that comes from the genus Hylocereus and the species costaricensis This variety was originally collected in its natural habitat near the border of Honduras and Nicaragua DNA test shows that this variety is related to San Ignacio, a Dragon Fruit variety that is grown commercially in NicaraguaHand pollination or the aid of mother nature is required for this variety to set fruit

Dragon Asunta


I have a few similar varieties fruiting at the moment so I may be able to post some pics of ripe fruit for comparison Pink Panther, Voodoo Child and Sugar Dragon , as well as Aztec Gem All have similar plant growth and young, unripe fruit are also very similar

Dragon Valdivia Roja


Dragon Fruit Hybrid 'VALDIVIA ROJA' Has fruit with an exterior skin colored red when ripe, inside it has tasty red flesh pulp which averages 1/2 pound Average BRIX rating or sugar content is 17-18 (179) and average days to harvest is 40 from bloom to ripe or ready to pick-harvest

Dragon Sunset


Dragon Fruit variety 'LISA' Has tasty red fleshed fruit with a reddish exterior 'LISA' has a brix or sugar content average rating of 1702 From bloom to harvest is approx

Dragon Lisa


Dragon Fruit variety 'LISA' Has tasty red fleshed fruit with a reddish exterior 'LISA' has a brix or sugar content average rating of 1702 From bloom to harvest is approx

Dragon mythical fruit


The sign said “Red Pitaya” – we call them Dragon Fruits! There wasn’t a lot of explore… they were only selling the pitaya and some of there own honey, but then all I was looking for was the red-fleshed dragon fruit These ones were separated by size and after being given half a fruit to eat there and then as a taster

Dragon Sanignacio


Pitaya fruit, pitahaya fruit, commonly known as the dragon fruit, is a fruit from Central America, South America, and Asia It is a favorite to many, particularly people of Asian origin It has a light sweet taste, an intense shape and color, and has a texture of between that of a kiwi and an apple In addition to being tasty and refreshing, this contains a lot of water and other vital minerals with varied nutritional ingredients

Dragon Purple


Purple dragon fruit, also known as Pitaya, is a fruit that came originally from South America The skin of this fruit looks like dragon scales and that is the reason why it is known as Dragon fruit Purple dragon fruit, or Hylocereus polyrhizus, is one of the red dragon fruit varietiesThere are a lot of health benefits of this fruit

Matisia soegengii


Bombacaceae Wollbaumgew?chse

1 seed per pack A little known relative of the South American Sapote (Quararibea cordata) bearing golf ball sized, yellow skinned fruits with edible, white pulp The tree is cauliflorous and bears fruits directly from its trunk Native to rainforest regions of the Andes mountains

Avocado Hass


Persea americana

The Hass avocado /?hæs/, sometimes marketed as the Bilse avocado, is a cultivar of avocado with dark green-colored, bumpy skin It was first grown and sold by Southern California mail carrier and amateur horticulturist Rudolph Hass The Hass avocado is a large-sized fruitweighing 200 to 300 grams When ripe, the skin becomes a dark purplish-black and yields to gentle pressure

Reed Avocado



The Reed avocado is one of the largest known varieties of avocado The round fruit is about the size of a softball, and can easily weigh more than a pound Its thick, green, slightly pebbled skin is easy to peel, and its flesh is a pale golden-yellow It has a relatively large seed and seed cavity, but its robust size allows it to still carry a substantial amount of edible flesh

Lamb Hass Fruit


Persea americana

The Lamb fruit has green skin until it’s mature, usually around May, when the skin turns black It has a pear shape, often with a more blocky top than other avocados, such as Hass The seed is medium in size: not tiny like a Pinkerton, nor large like a Bacon There is plenty of avocado to eat in there

Pinkerton Avocado



Pinkerton avocados have an elongated pear shape with green, slightly pebbled, medium thick, and easy-to-peel skin The large fruits vary greatly in size, ranging from 8 to 18 ounces Their flesh is smooth and creamy, high in oil content, and houses a very small seed, and their flavor is nutty and rich The medium-sized spreading Pinkerton avocado tree is known to be a heavy and early producer, and unlike most fruits, the avocado does not ripen on the tree and can actually be stored on the tree for several months before harvesting

Royal Avocado



Pinkerton avocados have an elongated pear shape with green, slightly pebbled, medium thick, and easy-to-peel skin The large fruits vary greatly in size, ranging from 8 to 18 ounces Their flesh is smooth and creamy, high in oil content, and houses a very small seed, and their flavor is nutty and rich The medium-sized spreading Pinkerton avocado tree is known to be a heavy and early producer, and unlike most fruits, the avocado does not ripen on the tree and can actually be stored on the tree for several months before harvesting

Seedless avocado



Avocados are commercially valuable and are cultivated in tropical and Mediterranean climates throughout the world Panicles of flowers with deciduous bracts arise from new growth or the axils of leavestree that grows to 20 m (66 ft) Avocados are commercially valuable and are cultivated in tropical and Mediterranean climates throughout the world

Baccaurea Fruits



TheBaccaurea fruit is harvested and used locally, eaten as a fruit, stewed or made into wine; it is also used medicinally to treat skin diseases The bark, roots and wood are harvested for medicinal uses The fruit is oval, colored yellowish, pinkish to bright red or purple, 25–3

Baccaurea Angulata


Baccaurea Angulata

Baccaurea angulata is a tree with a dense crown growing 6 - 21 metres tall The bole is unbuttressed; it can be 10 - 40cm in diameter The tree is harvested from the wild for its edible fruit, which is eaten locally The fruits are very exotic and distinctive in appearance, lending towards their overall ornamental value Fast-growing tree, needs tropical conditions for growth

Baccaurea pyriformis



Baccaurea pyriformis is a tree with a dense crown growing 7 - 30 metres tall The bole is 8 - 50cm in diameter, small buttresses are sometimes present The edible fruit is harvested from the wild for local use A mid-canopy tree of primary rain forests at elevations from sea level to 1,000 metres

Lotkon Fruit


Lotkon is a moderate developing evergreen tree in the Phyllanthaceae family, developing to 25 m, with a spreading crown and thin bark It is found all through Asia, most usually developed in India and Malaysia It develops in evergreen backwoods on an extensive variety of soils The organic product is gathered and utilized privately, eaten as a natural product, stewed or made into wine; it is likewise utilized therapeutically to treat skin ailments



Lotkon is a moderate developing evergreen tree in the Phyllanthaceae family, developing to 25 m, with a spreading crown and thin bark It is found all through Asia, most usually developed in India and Malaysia It develops in evergreen backwoods on an extensive variety of soils The organic product is gathered and utilized privately, eaten as a natural product, stewed or made into wine; it is likewise utilized therapeutically to treat skin ailments

Burmese Fruits


Baccaurea ramiflora (Burmese grape) is a slow growing evergreen tree in the Phyllanthaceae family, growing to 25 m, with a spreading crown and thin bark It is found throughout Asia, most commonly cultivated in India, Bangladesh and Malaysia It grows in evergreen forests on a wide range of soils The fruit is harvested and used locally, eaten as a fruit, stewed or made into wine; it is also used medicinally to treat skin diseases

Belimbing darah fruit


Baccaurea Angulata

A Belimbing Hutan tree laden with fruit Literally thousands may develop on a single tree and the trunk and main branches of this cauliflorous species can be so heavily loaded that they look red from a distance The Belimbing Hutan is not only productive, it is also relatively fast growing The amazing fruits are split to reveal several seeds nested in the clear to whitish flesh

Tampoi Fruit


Baccaurea macrocarpa

Baccaurea macrocarpa, also called Tampoi, is a small, tropical rainforest substorey fruit trees native to Southeast Asia, especially Borneo It is dioecious, and the female trees bear fruit directly on the trunk and large branches Tampoi Fruit are large, orange colored and smooth skinned, round fruits They have a very thick pithy rind that surrounds a white, segmented, seeded flesh, similar in appearance to mangosteen

Jamaican Milk


Chrysophyllum cainito

Jamaican Milk fruit may be round to oblate to ellipsoid and 5-10 cm (2 to 4 inches) in diameter The peel may be red-purple, dark-purple, or pale-green depending upon variety The fruit also exists in three colors, dark purple, greenish brown and yellow

Kaffir Lime


Citrus hystrix

Aromatickaffir limes (Citrus hystrix), with their glossy foliage and wrinkled fruits, give many Thai, Indonesian and Cambodian dishes their delicious flavor The young leaves can be finely shredded for salads, while mature leaves are torn or tossed whole into stir fries, curries, soups and more From zest to juice, and leaves to rinds, kaffirs add a lemony-spicy taste While it's possible to find fresh kaffir limes or dried leaves for sale, it's fun to grow your own dwarf tree

Sweet Lemon Fruit


Citrus limetta

The earliest known among the fibers is the Ganapathinaarakaram (Citron medica cv Diamante) Lemon has a significant importance in the religious rituals of the Jews It is also used in the Hindu temples of Kerala

Mexican lime



The Mexican lime fruit Small, bushy, evergreen tree, 3-5 m (10–16 ft) tall, with dense foliage and sharp spines on branches and trunk Leaves dark green, leathery, aromatic when crushed, elliptic to ovate, 5–7 cm (2– 275 in) long, with a minutely serrated edge and a winged petiole Flowers first pinkish then white, singly or in small racemes, 2–2

Spanish Lime Fruit


The Spanish lime originates from the north part of South America and grows naturally in the coasts and also in the dry forests of Central America and also in the CaribbeanMelicoccus bijugatus, commonly called Spanish lime, genip, guinep, genipe, ginepa, quenepa, quenepe, chenet, canepa, mamón, limoncillo, skinip, kinnip, "It is known as huaya Trees can reach heights of up to 25 m and come with alternate, compound leaves The leaves have 4 elliptic leaflets which are 5–12

Australian Finger Lime Friut


Persea americana

The Australian finger lime plant (Citrus australasica) is a thorny understorey shrub or small tree of lowland subtropical rainforest and dry rainforest in the coastal border region of Queensland and New South Wales, Australia It has edible fruits which are under development as a potential new commercial crop The finger lime has been recently popularised as a gourmet bushfood The globular juice vesicles have been likened to a "lime caviar", which can be used as a garnish or added to various recipes

Red Fingerlime


The finger lime has been recently popularised as a gourmet bushfood The globular juice vesicles have been likened to a "lime caviar", which can be used as a garnish or added to various recipes The fresh vesicles have the effect of a burst of effervescent tangy flavour as they are chewed The fruit juice is acidic and similar to that of a lime

Green Fingerlime


Finger Lime have an uncanny resemblance to the world's most famous delicacy, except this caviar is bursting with unrivaled citrus taste That mouth-popping experience works wonders for salads, desserts and just about anything your curious culinary mind can conjure up

Wampee Friut


Clausena lansium

Indigenous to Southeast Asia, Clausena lansium having its roots in the family Rutaceae is also known as Wampee Clausena wampi is a species of powerfully fragranced evergreen tree that grows up to 3-8 m tall Tolerant to various external elements, the tree thrives in a wide range of soil, however, they are said to grow their best in rich loam The fruits, on 1/4 to 1/2 in (0

Mombin Friut


Spondias mombin

Yellow mombin is an elegant, deciduous tree with a dense, spreading crown; it can reach an eventual height of 25 metres, though 10 - 15 metres is more likely The bole can be 60cm or more in diameter with a thick, corky bark The plant is widely cultivated in tropical areas, especially the Americas, for its edible fruit It also has a range of medicinal applications and provides various commodities

Pink Longan Friut


Dimocarpus longan

The longan tree is an evergreen tropical tree that is native to south east Asia, and it bears edible fruit It is a close relative of the lychee, which it resembles It is a decorative tree, with glossy foliage, a dense canopy and corky furrowed bark They can grow to around 10 metres tall and wide

Mexican Guava Fruit


Psidium guajava

Widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, guava fruits can range in size from as small as an apricot to as large as a grapefruit Various cultivars have white, pink, or red flesh, and a few also feature red (instead of green or yellow) skin Mexican guava When cultivated from seed, guavas are notable for an extremely slow growth rate for several months, before a very rapid acceleration in growth rate takes over From seed, common guavas may bloom and set fruit in as few as two years or as many as eight

Yellow Strawberry Guava Fruit


Psidium cattleianum varlucidum

The Strawberry Guava is a sub-variety of the Peruvian Guava This cherry-sized fruit is a beautiful dark red when fully ripe and has a tart flavour reminiscent of plum and strawberry, with a spicy hint of cinnamon or nutmeg The Yellow Cherry Guava, sometimes called the Lemon Guava or (confusingly) the Yellow Strawberry Guava It is yellow cherry guavasimilar in size

Egyptian Guava


Psidium guajava

Widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, guava fruits can range in size from as small as an apricot to as large as a grapefruit Various cultivars have white, pink, or red flesh, and a few also feature red (instead of green or yellow) skin When cultivated from seed,Egyptian guavas are notable for an extremely slow growth rate for several months, before a very rapid acceleration in growth rate takes over From seed, common guavas may bloom and set fruit in as few as two years or as many as eight

Guava Fruit


Psidium guajava

Guavas fruit plant are a tropical superfruit originating in Central America They are oval in shape with light green or yellow skin and contain edible seeds They are amazingly rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium and fiber There is some evidence that guava can improve blood sugar control

Biscuit Guava


Guavas singular guava are common tropical fruits cultivated and enjoyed in many tropical and subtropical regions Psidium guajava is a small tree in the Myrtle family (Myrtaceae), native to Mexico, Central America, and northern South America

Chinese Spring Guava


Tropical fruit having yellow skin and pink pulp; eaten fresh or used for eg jellies Small tropical American shrubby tree; widely cultivated in warm regions for its sweet globular yellow fruit

Puliyan Guava


A guava is a round yellow tropical fruit with pink or white flesh and hard seeds Neelum during June and survival was highest (7667%) in Puliyan grafted with Banganapalli during the small tropical American tree which bear

Thailand Guava


Farang is also the Thai word for the guava fruit, introduced by Portuguese traders over 400 years ago, which of course can lead to jokes when western foreigners are seen eating a guava in ThailandThe name gives away the fact that guavas are not native to Thailand

Variegated Guava


Variegated guava has pink color fleshIf contented as long as it keep producing healthy variegated leaves and having fruits is a bonus A small round white spot at distal end of median cell; distal area with a transverse series of ill-defined longitudinal black dashes; cilia variegated

Yellow Strawberry guva


The Yellow Strawberry guava is very adaptable and can be grown outdoors throughout much of Florida and California It will fruit in a container almost anywhere if protected from hard freezes Trees grow well in full sun and with water, although short periods of drought will not harm the plant

Red American guva


Red American Guava tree is a tropical evergreen shrub In fact, guava is a large berry which is round or oval in shape with light green or light yellow skin The colour of its flesh varies from white or pink to dark red and has edible seeds

Egyptian Guava


Egyptian Guava are small trees or shrubs with leathery leaves and a bark that peels easily from the branches They are native to tropical Africa The fruits are pear shaped, ripening from green to yellow to white

Brazilian guava


The Brazilian guava is a relatively slow-growing shrub 3 to 10 ft (1-3 m) tall; sometimes a tree to 23 ft (7 m); with grayish bark, hairy young shoots and cylindrical or slightly flattened branchlets The evergreen, grayish leaves, 1 1/3 to 5 1/2 (35-14 cm)



It's the fruit Mexico gifted to the world The two to five inch long round or oval bundle of white or red flesh, gift wrapped in a thick hide of green that soon caught the people's imagination and tickled their taste buds when the conquistadors introduced it to the rest of the world Buy Now



The highly ornamental tree is slender, erect, usually to 25 or 35 ft (75-105 m) high, short-trunked and heavily foliaged with opposite, oblong-oval leaves 3 1/2 to 5 in (9-16 cm) long, 2 3/8 in (5-6 cm) wide, with recurved margin; glossy, thick, leathery, and minutely pitted on both surfaces

Artocarpus anisophyllus



Entawak is an evergreen mid-canopy tree; it can grow up to 45 metres tall The straight, cylindrical bole can be up to 90cm in diameter with spreading buttresses up to 250cm high The edible fruit is greatly appreciated in the plant's native range, where it is often harvested from the wild and also occasionally cultivated Undisturbed or slightly disturbed mixed dipterocarp forests at elevations up to 700 metres Found on alluvial sites near rivers and streams, but also on hillsides and ridges

Artocarpus lanceifolius Friut



The orange pulp surrounding the seeds is eaten The yellowish-brown, spiny fruits are around 100mm in diameter with many seeds Tree up to 35 m tall, 90 cm diameter, occasionally with low buttresses Bark dark grey, smooth to scaly; inner bark yellowish white Twigs 6-8 mm thick, rugose, appressed hairy, minutely punctate

Artocarpus sarawakensis Fruit



Artocarpus sarawakensis is an evergreen tree growing up to 25 metres tall The tree is harvested from the wild for its edible fruit, which is eaten locallyAn excellent flavour, the flesh is sweet, juicy, free of fibre and melts in the mouth The subglobose fruit is about 5cm in diameter As already stated, pingan is not a very commonly growing plant and is not at all under cultivation

Artocarpus teysmannii Fruit



A wild and very rare Artocarpus bearing slender fruits (up to a few inches long) with a sweet flavor The fruits are collected wild and eaten locally The tree is little known outside of its native area Large tree up to 45 Artocarpus teysmannii is a very large, evergreen tree that can grow up to 45 metres tall

Artocarpus nitidus



Artocarpus nitidus is an evergreen tree growing up to 41 metres tall The straight, cylindrical bole can be up to 70cm in diameter, The tree is harvested from the wild as a local source of food Artocarpus nitidus is an evergreen tree growing up to 41 metres tall The straight, cylindrical bole can be up to 70cm in diameter, sometimes with buttresses up to 100cm high An upper canopy tree in undisturbed to slightly disturbed mixed dipterocarp and sub-montane forests up to 1,500 metres

Artocarpus Friut



The Artocarpus is thought to be the wild ancestor of the Artocarpus, to which it is very closely related and sometimes considered conspecific The nutritious seeds, which contain 13–19% protein and are high in potassium and phosphorus, are relatively low in fat compared with other nuts like almonds and macadamia nuts The tree is probably indigenous to Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and the Philippines The Artocarpus was supposedly brought to the American continent around 1770 by French sailors, who took Artocarpus seeds from the Philippines to the French West Indies

Marang Fruit


Euphoria longan Lour

Marang fruit is an evergreen tree with spreading branches, 25–30 m (80–100 ft) tall Leaves alternate, with rough, sandpapery surface, 20–45 cm (8–18 in) long by 15–30 cm (6–12 in) wide Monoecious flowers produce male and female spikes The female flowers develop into an ovoid or irregularly shaped, yellowish-green to yellowishbrown fruit, weighing about 1 kg (2

Nanagkadak Friut


Artocarpus heterophyllus

a nangkadak tree is highly productive, with 30-50 fruits produced each harvest season Nangkadak trees take 15 years to bear fruits Nangkadak 's leaves are also useful for feeding animals, and its trunk can be used as firewood

Cempedak Friut



Cempedak Friut plants Commonly known as cempedak is a species of tree in the familyMoraceae, and in the same genus as Breadfruitm and JackfruitUnripe cempedak tastes starchy and bitter, and is not consumed raw When cooked, however, the unripe fruit tastes like sweet potato

c28 Cempedak Friut



Cempedak berkemungkinan besar berasal dari negera-negera di Asia Tenggara Ia didapati hidup dengan baik di Malaysia, Thailand dan Singapura Chempedak tree can grown until 20 to 25 meters height Its evergreen leaves shape ellipse As its fruit, chempedak tree look like a Jackfruit tree, the different is chempedak leave had a fine hairy at the end of leaves

Velvet Tamarind Fruit


Dialium cochinchinense

Velvet tamarind comes under the Leguminosae family which is tall, growing under tropical climatic conditions and also bears fruits The fruits are similar to the grapes and are consumable containing hard shells which must not be consumed Since the fruit contains tamarind flavor it has its English name as tamarind The Velvet Tamarind fruit has a lot of medical applications

Purple Star Apple Fruit


Chrysophyllum cainito

Star Apple scientifically known as Chrysophyllum cainito is a tropical evergreen tree of the family Sapotaceae It is native to the Greater Antilles in the Caribbean It has spread to the lowlands of Central America and is now grown throughout the tropics, including Southeast Asia Apart from star Apple it is also known as Caimito, Golden Leaf Tree, Milk Fruit, Satin Leaf, Star apple, Star Plum, West Indian Star Apple, Abiaba, Cainito, pomme de lait, estrella and aguay

Texas Persimmon Fruit


Diospyros texana

Texas persimmons are slow-growing, multi-trunked trees with a semi-evergreen habit Their light grey bark is smooth and sloughs off in large flakes as the tree ages When the tree has received moisture at the right times during the year, the black-colored ripe persimmons can be as large as golf balls though they are more commonly the size of large marbles Ripe persimmons will look plump, round and smooth and can easily be pulled from their limbs

Duriyan Fruit plants



World's most divisive fruit? Durian That big, hulking thorny beast, with an aroma so strong it'll knock your grandma to her feet it's the Kanye West of fruits: you either hate it, or you love it Grafted trees are a good deal smaller, topping out at around 40 feet

Musang King Duriyan


Musang King is like black-market gold It's the most sought after, desired and expensive of all the durian varieties, selling for more than twice the price of average durian Durian Musang King or Mao Shan Wang (?????) is currently in high demand because of its special fragrance and bitter sweet taste which makes all the durian lovers crazy about it It is very unique on its thick smooth flesh making this durian almost seedless

Monthong Duriyan


Mon Thong is the most important and famous durian variety of Thailand It means "golden pillow" in Thai It produces large,oval-cylindrical fruits tapering at the stylar end

D99 Duriyan


D99, is a very unique durian with a very thorny green skin D99, D100 and KK 11 are early season clones while D53 and D114 represent late season group D24 and D2 are medium season varieties

Red Prawn Duriyan


Originally from Penang, Red Prawn (D175) is the most expensive durian variety we know of, even beating out the mighty Musang King We didn’t expect to find it in the Philippines, but there it was, comically listed as “Red Frown” and selling for an unprecedented $136 per kilo

Musang King Duriyan Fruit



Musang King is like black-market gold It's the most sought after, desired and expensive of all the durian varieties, selling for more than twice the price of average durian

Siddu Jackfruit


The Siddu Jackfruit is red coloured flakes of this varieties have a very high nutrient Estimated yield 1098 Kg per tree; Bulb characters: Fruit consumption suit very much four member in family and each fruits contains (25-30 bulbs) Flakes colour- Coppery Red and quality (sweet and Firm), significantly proved better as compared to the Yellow and white colour flaked one Weight of per flakes (245 g); Flake thickness (8

Kuini Mango Fruit


Bouea macrophylla

Kuini fruit is from the same species as the mango, but exudes a harmless sap having a strong resinous smell This sap is poisonous, however, if the unripened fruits are eaten Save Share1 Only fruits that are fully ripe should be eaten The leaves vary in size from six to fourteen inches in length, and the flowers are strongly scented

Maha Chanook fruit



Limited quantity of trees available Comes in 3 gallon container Originated in Singapore, popular throughout Asia Small, fiberless fruit with a thin seed

Mango Fruit


Mangifera indica

Mango Fruit plants are juicy stone fruit (drupe) from numerous species of tropical trees belonging to the flowering plant genus Mangifera, cultivated mostly for their edible fruit The majority of these species are found in nature as wild mangoes The genus belongs to the cashew family Anacardiaceae Mangoes are native to South Asia from where the "common mango" or"Indian mango",Mangifera indica, has been distributed worldwide to become one of the most widely cultivated fruits in the tropics

Alphonso Mango


Alphonso mango is a seasonal fruit, considered to be among the most superior varieties of the fruit in terms of sweetness, richness and flavour The variety is named after Afonso de Albuquerque, a Portuguese general and military expert who helped establish Portuguese colonies in India

Kilichundan Mango


Kilichundan means beak of a bird in Malayalam language It's used to make pickles and make curries A Kilichundan mango tree at the Government Agricultural Farm, Kottukkal in Kollam, sports a rich crop of mangoes Mangoes are native to South Asia

Moovandan Mango


Moovandan – Yet another common mango of Kerala, Moovandan is deeply linked with Kerala culture too It takes only three years for its tree to blossom That's why this mango variety got this name ('Moonnu' means three and 'Aand' means year) They grow as branches, and filled with leaves

Neelam Mango


Neelam mango grows in many areas of India and Pakistan The more famous Pakistani varieties are from the Sindh region, the famous Indian varieties from the South of India All said and done, this is a very fragrant fruit and highly relished by mango fans all over the world Neelam is available throughout the season but the tastiest ones come in only by June with the monsoons

Seedless Mango


seedless mango variety from hybrids of mango varietieshas a rich, sweet and distinctive flavour, but does have less fibre than other varietiesMango fruit is utilised at all stages of its development both in its immature and mature state Raw fruits are used for making chutney, pickles and juices

Hi Jumbo Mango


Alphonso Mango Fruit


Mangifera indica

Alphonso Mango fruit plants is a seasonal fruit, available mid-April through the end of June The fruits generally weigh between 150 and 300 grams (53 and 106 oz)

Kilichundan Mango Fruit



Kilichundan Mango is a tropical tree cultivated in many regions of IndiaKilichundan means beak of a bird in Malayalam language It's used to make pickles and make curries The tree is medium size with greenish yellow fruitsMango fruit is an excellent source of Vitamin-A and flavonoids like ?-carotene, ?-carotene, and ?-cryptoxanthin

Moovandan Mango Fruit



Moovandan Mango – Yet another common mango of Kerala, Moovandan is deeply linked with Kerala culture too It takes only three years for its tree to blossom That's why this mango variety got this name ('Moonnu' means three and 'Aand' means year) They grow as branches, and filled with leaves

Neelam Mango Fruit


Mangifera indica

'Neelum’ is a South Indian dessert mango, widely grown throughout the country and to an increasing extent in southernmost China The fruit weigh 9 to 12 oz, with the general shape of a fat cashew nut They are smooth-skinned and bright yellow upon ripening and have no blush The flesh is deep yellow or orange

Seedless Mango Fruit



seedless mango variety from hybrids of mango varietieshas a rich, sweet and distinctive flavour, but does have less fibre than other varieties Mango fruit is utilised at all stages of its development both in its immature and mature state Raw fruits are used for making chutney, pickles and juices

Mexican Mango Fruit



Mangoes are juicy stone fruit from numerous species of tropical trees belonging to the flowering plant genus Mangifera, cultivated mostly for their edible fruit The majority of these species are found in nature as wild mangoes The genus belongs to the cashew family AnacardiaceaeMango trees grow to 35 - 40 m (115 - 131 ft) tall, with a crown radius of 10 m (33 ft)

Cambuci Fruit



The cambuci is a hygrophytic and heliophytic semi-deciduous tree in the Mirtacee family, a relative of the guava, pitanga, guabiroba and jabuticaba It can reach a height of 8 meters, but grows slowly It has a pyramidal shape with smooth trunk and elliptic leaves The white, elegant flowers are hermaphroditic and blossom from August to November, while the fruit matures from January to April

Cambuca Fruit



The Cambuca fruit coloration is yellowy-green, size is 6 cm in diameter and taste is sweet-sour The name Cambucá came from the Tupi Indian word kãbu'ká, which means "The bud plant" This name is derived from the local native word for jar, "cambuci", due to the tree's fruit resembling a type of water container which some would say is "flying saucer" shaped Family: Myrtaceae

Eugenia Calycina Fruit



The Eugenia calycina isnative to the savannah, is found almost on muddy fields and shrub savannah in the states of Goiás, Minas Gerais, in the south west and north of the state of São Paulo and in Mato Grosso do Sul The plant grows quickly and requires no special care, just regular weeding, so that the plant is not stifled Remove the crossed branches that grow from the lump In August, before blossoming fertilize with the distribution of 20 g NPK 10-10-10 and 2 kg of compost, as already mentioned in the distance of 20 cm from the main stem, 6 inches deep and 10 inches wide

Eugenia koolauensis Friut



Eugenia koolauensis, commonly known as Ko?olau eugenia or nioi, is a species of flowering plant in the myrtle family,This is one of two Eugenia species native to Hawaii, and the only endemic It is a shrub or tree grows 2 to 7 meters tall The tips of the branches and the undersides of the leaves are hairy White flowers occur in the leaf axils In cultivation, n?oi may begin flowering in late October and continuously throughout the year with perhaps a very slight break in September or early October However, n?oi may actually prove to be a year round bloomer and fruiter



Eugenia brasiliensis

Thegrumichama is native and wild in coastal southern Brazil, especially in the states of Parana and Santa Catarina It is cultivated in and around Rio de Janeiro, also in Paraguay A specimen was growing in Hope Gardens, Jamaica, in 1880 and a tree was planted in the Botanical Gardens, Singapore, in 1888, fruited in 1903 It has long since vanished from both of these locations

Rainforest plum Friut


Eugenia candolleana

Native to Brazil this rare tree have attractive bright green foliage and purple-black fruits The new growth is rusty-brown, turning yellow and then deep, dark green The reddish-brown bark peels off naturally showing a smooth reddish trunk The ripe fruit is a round or slightly elongated berry, It has a thin purple-black skin and a wet, firm, whitish pulp about 3mm thick, surrounding a loose seed

Mootty Fruit


Baccaurea motleyana

Scientifically named as Baccaurea motleyana, ‘mootty’ fruit is commonly known as rambi or rambai The fruit is called ‘mootty’ in Malayalambegin to bear fruits within four years of planting Mootty fruit flavor sweet and sour taste, this fruit are found in forest areas

Cola Pachycarpa Fruit



TC pachycarpa, also called bush or monkey Cola, is a rare species of fruit It is found in west central tropical Africa The tree is relatively small, reaching a height of 10-15 meters

Cola lepidota Fruit



Its white pulp is called cola lepidota, while the Monkey kola with red pulp is called cola lateritia and is the least common Monkey kola fruit is crunchy just like a carrot The fruits are available from around June to November and are very nutritious They are a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals Cola is a genus of trees native to the tropical forests of Africa, classified in the family Malvaceae, subfamily Sterculioideae (or treated in the separate family Sterculiaceae)

Red Pummelo Friut



The pummelo is also known as the pomelo, the shaddock, the country of French as chadec, the Malayan limau besar, the Bali lemon, and the Chinese grapefruit have they characteristic of being the largest citrus fruit The pummelo is, essentially, a kindler, gentler, giant cousin of the grapefruit with great sweet taste It is related in flavor but milder, and is actually supposed to be a forebear of the modern grapefruit The pummelo is one of the exotic fruit with large citrus fruit that is an forebear of the common grapefruit

Nipa Palm Friut



Nypa fruticans, commonly known as the nipa palm (or simply nipa) or mangrove palm,[4] is a species of palm native to the coastlines and estuarine habitats of the Indian and Pacific Oceans It is the only palm considered adapted to the mangrove biome This species is the only member of the genus Nypa and the subfamily Nypoideae, forming monotypic taxa The nipa palm's trunk grows beneath the ground and only the leaves and flower stalk grow upwards above the surface Thus, it is an unusual palm tree, and the leaves can extend up to 9 m (30 ft) in height

Chanar Friut



Chañar syrup is prepared by boiling the fruit for several hours, reducing the juices and pulp to a thick consistency Locally, it has been compared to honey It has an intense flavor with a slight hint of citrus highlighting the smoky flavor that comes from the hours of boiling over an open flame or coals It is viscous and dark caramel in color

Camu camu Friut


Botanical Name

Myrciaria dubia, commonly known as camu camu, camucamu, cacari, or camocamo, is a small bushy riverside tree from the Amazon rainforest in Peru and Brazil, which grows to a height of 3–5 m (98–164 ft) and bears a red/purple cherry-like fruit It is a close relative of the jabuticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora) and the guavaberry or rumberry (Myrciaria floribunda)

Gaab Fruit



Velvet Apple/Mabolo (Gaab) is a medium sized large evergreen tree growing to a hight of 20 meterThe oblong-acute leaves are 10 to 25 cm longThe leaves are glossy green,smooth above and soft hairy belowFemel flowers are axillary and solitary,larger than male

Diamond River Longan Fruit



The longan (from Cantonese lùhng-ngáahn, literally 'dragon eye'), is so named because it resembles an eyeball when its fruit is shelled (the black seed shows through the translucent flesh like a pupil/iris) The seed is small, round and hard, and of an enamel-like, lacquered black The fully ripened, freshly harvested fruit has a bark-like shell, thin, and firm, making the fruit easy to peel by squeezing the pulp out as if one were "cracking" a sunflower seed When the shell has more moisture content and is more tender, the fruit becomes less convenient to shell

White Supote Friut


Casimiroa edulis

The White Sapote (Casimiroa edulis) is a fantastic, rare fruit that most people are unfamiliar with The apple-sized fruits have a creamy texture like pudding, and are very sweet

Red Sapota



Red sapote or Mamey, is a species of tree native Red sapote is a large and highly ornamental evergreen tree that can reach a height of 15 to 45 meters (49 to 148 ft) at maturity reddish colour of its flesh in fruit The fruit's texture is creamy and soft, the flavor is a mix of sweet potato, pumpkin, honey, prune etc

Black Sapote


Diospyros nigra

The Black Sapote he tree is handsome, broad-topped, slow-growing, to 80 ft (25 m) in height, with furrowed trunk to 30 in (75 cm) in diameter, and black bark The evergreen, alternate leaves, elliptic-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, tapered at both ends or rounded at the base and bluntly acute at the apex, are leathery, glossy, 4 to 12 in (10-30 cm) long Propagation is usually from seed, which can retain viability for several months and require around 30 days for germination Some trees are seedless however, and can be propagated by air-layering or shield budding

Mountain Sapote


Diospyros riojae

A small evergreen tropical Rare Fruit tree, with alternately arranged leaves on long stalks, Foliage has broadly oval, glossy medium green leaves and cream colored flowers followed by green/brown immature fruits about 8 cm in diameter When ripe fruits are yellow skinned, with juicy white flesh The flavorful yellow fruits are edible and delicious Young trees are able to fruit at an early age

Mamey Supote fruit


Pouteria sapota

Mamey sapote (Pouteria sapota) is native to the seasonally dry forests of Mexico and Central America It was widely distributed in Central America before Columbus and introduced to the Caribbean, South America, and Asia The mamey sapote grows into a handsome, open tree with a thick central trunk and a few large limbs The fruit is a large, shaped like a football, varying in length from 6-9 inches depending of the cultivar

Annona crassiflora Fruit



The Annona crassifloraAnnona crassiflora, commonly known as marolo, araticum cortiça, araticum do cerrado or bruto, is a flowering plant in the Annonaceae family The flowers of a marolo look like jellyfish wearing hats, and the fruits are sweet and very rough It is native to Brazil and Paraguay and the fruit is eaten by native peoples in the Brazilian CerradoAlthough it is considered to have potential for cultivation, it has not been domesticated to date Its fruits reach over 15 cm in diameter and 2 kg, containing many seeds about 1

Annona salzmannii Fruit



Annona salzmannii fruit is an extremely rare Annona bearing orange skinned fruits up to one pound in weight with a sweet and very tasty white pulp The fruit is prized in its native range, but is rare and never cultivated Beach sugar apple or Annona salzmannii is a tropical, evergreen tree native to Brazil that can grow up to 12 ? 15 m tall It has an elongated, fairly open crown

Annona neosalicifolia Friut



Annona neosalicifolia is a deciduous tree with a dense, round crown; it can grow 10 - 20 metres tall The tree branches from fairly low down The edible fruit is valued by the local population and is often gathered from the wild The tree is sometimes cultivated for its fruit in areas within its native range 6 to 8 metres tall tress with brown-whitish trunk of diameter of 30 to 40 cm The new shoots are zigzag

Soursop Fruit


Annona muricata

Soursop Trees produce remarkable fruit with a unique look and flavor Those who have never seen a soursop before are often amazed by its elongated shape with bright green skin that has a soft prickly appearance Soursops are great for snacking as well as pairing with desserts like ice cream or pies Aside from producing tons of delectable fruit soursop trees also provide an exotic look with their lush green foliage and bright yellow flowers Soursop trees will turn any space into a tropical get away indoors or out

Sweet Soursop


Soursop is the fruit of Annona muricata, a broadleaf, flowering, evergreen tree The exact origin is unknown; it is native to the tropical regions of the Americas and is widely propagated It is in the same genus, Annona, as cherimoya and is in the Annonaceae family

Soncoya Fruit



Soncoya is a medium-sized deciduous tree, 7–12 m (23–39 ft) tall Alternate leaves elliptic to oblong, 18–30 cm (7–12 in) long, with pointed apex Blades brown, pubescent on both sides Solitary flowers with 3 thick brown petals, yellowish-purple on the inside, and 3 thin, creamy-white inner petals

Annona cornifolia Friut



Annona cornifolia is a small tree usually growing 2 - 3 metres tall, though specimens less than 30cm tall have been recorded The tree is sometimes harvested from the wild for local use of its edible fruit Seed - it is extremely slow to germinate, averaging 3 - 18 months germination time The seed has a hard seedcoat and may benefit from scarification before sowing to speed up germination

Annona conica Friut



Annona conica is a species of plant in the Annonaceae family It is endemic to Ecuador Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forests and subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests It is threatened by habitat loss

Rollinia Fruits


Rollinia deliciosa

Rollinia deliciosa is a species of flowering plant in the custard-apple family, Annonaceae, that is native to tropical South America It is cultivated for its edible fruits, commonly known as biriba or wild sugar-apple, throughout the world's tropics and subtropics Rollinia's is grown best in warm subtropical to tropical conditions, intolerant of fruit cool conditions, hotness as low as 3 degrees can kill young trees High humidity is always necessary for pollination and regular water is essential during flowering and fruit to avoid early ripening of the fruits

Gaint Rollinia


The large yellow fruit has a bumpy surface and soft spines Rollinia's perform best in warm subtropical to tropical conditions, intollerant of cool conditions, temperatures as low as 3 degrees can kill young trees

Big and Small Rollinia


The flesh is whitish, aromatic, and delicious, balanced between sweet and sour The fruits are usually consumed fresh, but for those who are creative in the kitchen they can be turned into jiuces, ice creams and wines

Annona scleroderma Friut



Annona scleroderma, the cawesh or poshe-te, is a species of tree in the Annonaceae family, with an edible fruit the size of an orange The cream-colored flesh of the fruit has a creamy banana-pineapple flavor, and a soft texture The fruit's tough skin makes it particularly easy to handle The fruit is little known outside its native region

Annona stenophylla Friut



Annona stenophylla is a low-growing perennial plant with spreading, underground woody rhizomes Annual shoots up to 1 metre tall arise from the rhizome, these stems can be simple or branched and sometimes become woody and persist for more than one year The edible fruit is eagerly collected from the wild for local use A decoction is made from the roots This is usually then used as a steam bath, the vapours being inhaled for at least 5 minutes

Annona spraguei Friut



annona spragueiis a species of plant in the Annonaceae family It is endemic to Panama It is threatened by habitat loss seven Annona species and one hybrid are grown for domestic or commercial use, mostly for the edible and nutritious fruits; several others also produce edible fruits

Kola Nut


Areca catechu

The kola nut is a caffeine-containing nut of evergreen trees of the genus Cola, primarily of the species Cola acuminata and Cola nitida Cola acuminata, an evergreen tree about 20 metres in height, has long, ovoid leaves pointed at both the ends with a leathery texture The trees have yellow flowers with purple spots, and star-shaped fruit Inside the fruit, about a dozen round or square seeds develop in a white seed-shell

Filosan Friuts


Nephelium mutabile

The pulasan, Nephelium mutabile Blume (family Sapindaceae), is a tropical fruit closely allied to the rambutan and sometimes confused with it It has various common names, including pulasan in English, Spanish and Malay, kapulasan in Indonesia, ngoh-khonsan in Thailand, and bulala or panungayan in the Philippines The fruit is ovoid, 5-75 cm long, dark red, with its thick, leathery rind closely set with conical, blunt-tipped tubercles or thick, fleshy, straight spines, which are up to 1 cm long

Peanut Butter Fruit



Native to tropical lowland regions of Central and South America from Costa Rica south to Peru and Brazil The tree requires a tropical climate with or without a dry season It is rarely cultivated outside its natural range except in botanical gardens or as a curiosity Fully ripe fruits, which taste very much like peanut butter and also have a similar consistency, are eaten out of hand or made into sandwich spread

Lipote Fruit


Szygium curranii

Syzygium curranii (Lipote) is a tree growing up to 15 metres tall The bole can be up to 30cm in diameterThe plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a food and source of wood It is also occasionally cultivated in the Philippines, and in South America, for its edible fruit The fruits are borne in compact clusters, each fruit is about 20mm in diameter and would become darker as it ripen

Langsat Fruit


Lansium domesticum

Langsatis a tropical fruit that comes in bunches of pale brown fruits that are translucent that are sweet and sour a bit like a cross between passion fruit and lychee Langsat is a nutritionally rich fruit containing many vital elements like proteins,carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber in abundance It is rich in vitamin A,Thiamine and riboflavin which are necessary for many body functionsLangsat fruit is a common fruit in South East Asia and has many health benefits including whitening and strengthening teeth, lowering blood pressure and calming the GI tract



Myristica fragrans

Langsatis a tropical fruit that comes in bunches of pale brown fruits that are translucent that are sweet and sour a bit like a cross between passion fruit and lychee Langsat is a nutritionally rich fruit containing many vital elements like proteins,carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber in abundance It is rich in vitamin A,Thiamine and riboflavin which are necessary for many body functionsLangsat fruit is a common fruit in South East Asia and has many health benefits including whitening and strengthening teeth, lowering blood pressure and calming the GI tract

Garcinia atroviridis Friut



Garcinia atroviridis he large fruit has a very acid pulp which can be eaten raw or cooked It makes excellent jellies and compotes and can also be dried then added to soups The fruits are globose and about 7-10 cm in diameter A mature fruit can weigh up to 2 kg The bright orange-yellow fruit skin is thin and smooth

Garcina papilla Fruit


Garcinia gummi-gutta

The Garcina Even though it is supposed to be a variation gummigutta, I have my doubts The fruits look similar,but there are a lot of differences Papilla is endangered with very few trees in the wild and none in cultivation It takes a full year from flowering to maturity while gummigutta takes only five months Papilla can be easily processed into condiment, just leave the fruits for a couple of days and they split into segments, the seeds separate out without any effort

Garcinia macrophylla Fruit



A small fruit tree native to Central and South America that produces copious amounts of yellow fruit with edible arils that have a delicious, sweet taste It is a very adaptable plant that will grow in any tropical or warm temperate climate in USDA Zones 10 and above Fruit are variable in shape, averaging 4 to 5 cm in diameter and 5 to 6 cm in length The fruit have a thick, hard outer wall containing a bitter latex, as in bacur?

Garcinia Friut


Garcinia gummi-gutta

Garcinia Fruit plants is a tropical species of Garcinia native to Indonesia Common names include Garcinia cambogia (a former scientific name), as well as brindleberry, Malabar tamarind, and kudam puli (pot tamarind)This fruit looks like a small pumpkin and is green to pale yellow in color Although it has received considerable media attention purporting its effects on weight loss, there is liver toxicity associated with commercial preparations of the fruit extract, with clinical evidence indicating it has no significant effect on weight loss

Raja puli Friut



Garcinia Indica or Kokum(called ?bhirnda? or ?bhinda? in Konkani, ?murugala hannu? in Kannada) can be called as one of the most used ingredient in Konkani cooking Almost every household at our native and Goa has a Kokum tree The seeds of the fruit have a white colored fleshy coating on it When the fruit becomes very ripe, its color changes to a bit transparent

Cherry Fruit


Prunus avium

A typical cherry fruit is a fleshy drupe (stone fruit) belonging to the genus prunus, which also includes fruits like plums, peaches and apricots Prunus avium is the name given to wild cherry as well as the cherry tree A typical cherry has a stony hard seed in the center surrounded by edible fleshy fruit measuring around 2 cm in diameter It has a very thin skin which is bright and shiny red or purple in colour

Cedar bay cherry Fruit


Eugenia reinwardtiana

Cedar bay cherries,scientifically known as Eugenia reinwardtiana and it belongs to the Myrtaceae family Cedar Bay Cherries are also known as beach cherries Cedar bay Cherries have a bright orange-red colored juicy, soft flesh that surrounds a cherry-like pit Cedar Bay cherries have a sweet flavor tantalizing the taste buds with the flavors of the cherry combined with a tinge of grape taste in it The thin-skinned fruit has a thin, fleshy, slightly juicy pulp with a mix of sweet and sour flavor surrounding a single seed

Rio Grande fruit


Eugenia involucrata

The Cherry of the Rio Grande fruit plants grows on a narrow shrub of the same name, that reaches an average of 5 meters tall and has dark green, glossy leaves The tree flowers in spring and is covered with 4 to 5 white petaled blooms and multiple long white stamen Fruits appear within weeks of the flowers A Cherry of the Rio Grande is oblong and measures around 2 to 3 centimeters

Bignay Fruit


Antidesma bunius

A highly nutritious fruit of an evergreen tree found across Singapore and Malaysia, Bignay is well known for its health benefits This gooseberry sized, reddish hued fruit is also known as the Queensland cherry The fruit as well as its leaves render various health benefits Bignay tea, made from the bark of this tree, is an ideal drink for weight loss

Silverberry Fruit



The silverberry, also known as wolf-willow and silver buffaloberry in English or chalef changeant in French, had a limited use in the indigenous American diet Yet, it remained important source of food, medicine, and craft material Silverberry plants are deciduous or evergreen shrubs or small trees The alternate leaves and the shoots are usually covered with tiny silvery to brownish scales, giving the plants a whitish to grey-brown colour from a distance The flowers are small, with a four-lobed calyx and no petals; they are often fragrant

Acai berry Fruit


Euterpe oleracea.

The Acai berry is one of the healthiest berries you will ever find Acai is an indigenous berry found in the rain forests of the Amazon This fruit has been heralded for centuries as a healing, immune-stimulating, energy-boosting fruit Acai berries can be a tremendously healthy addition to your diet and help to increase heart health, aids in weight loss, as well as aiding in health issues relating to your skin, digestion, allergies, immune system, and energy levels

Black Berry Fruit



Blackberries are often considered one of the easiest fruits to grow at home They are a native species to the United States and grow as a small shrub or trailing vine The fruit from this plant can be used for table fruit, syrup, jams and jelly Blackberries are produced on the canes of a perennial shrub

Blueberry Fruit



Blueberries contain a type of flavonoid known as anthocyanins, which are responsible for giving foods like blueberries, cranberries, red cabbage and eggplants their iconic deep red, purple and blue hues Anthocyanins are responsible for more than just the blueberry's pretty blue color - they also contribute to the popular fruit's numerous health benefits Consuming fruits and vegetables of all kinds has long been associated with a reduced risk of many lifestyle-related health conditions Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like blueberries decreases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and overall mortality while promoting a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy, and overall lower weight

Mulberry Fruit



Black, red, and white mulberry are widespread in southern Europe, the Middle East, northern Africa and Indian subcontinent, where the tree and the fruit have names under regional dialects Jams and sherbets are often made from the fruit in this region Mulberries can be grown from seed, and this is often advised as seedling-grown trees are generally of better shape and health, but they are most often planted from large cuttings which root readily Mulberries are filled with nutrients that are important for our body, including iron, riboflavin, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, phosphorous, and calcium, as well as a significant amount of dietary fiber and a wide range of organic compounds, including phytonutrients, zeaxanthin, resveratrol, anthocyanins, lutein, and various polyphenolic compounds

king white pakista Fruit


Morus alba

Morus alba, known as white mulberry, is a fast-growing, small to medium-sized mulberry tree which grows to 10 - 20 m tall It is generally a short-lived tree with a lifespan comparable to that of humans, although there are some specimens known to be over 250 years old The species is native to northern China, and is widely cultivated and naturalized elsewhere (United States, Mexico, Australia, Kyrgyzstan, Argentina, etc) The white mulberry is widely cultivated to feed the silkworms employed in the commercial production of silk

Elder Fruit



The various species are commonly called elder or elderberryThe elderberry bush is a large plant with low-hanging branches that produces dark purple berries that can be used in jams, wines, and juicesThey bear large clusters of small white or cream-colored flowers in late spring Raw elderberries are 80% water, 18% carbohydrates, and less than 1% each of protein and fat (table)

Blackberry Jam


Blackberry Jam

Araza Boi Fruit


Eugenia stipitata

Araza Boi is a fruit tree, originating in western part of Amazonia This plant is a kind of less known and underutilized crop, which have certain attractive properties for further agricultural development Although the fruit is very acidic for direct consumption, it can be processed into juices, nectars, marmalades, ice-creams etc Araza Boi Fruit Plants in Keralanow available here

Che fruit



A typical The Che fruit tree is a broad, spreading bush or small tree dotted with small thorns Like its mulberry relatives, the fruits are technically not a berries but rather aggregates of tiny fleshy drupes clustered around a single stem Somewhat resembling a lychee, they are round, approximately one to two inches in diameter and have a bumpy surface The ripe fruits are an attractive red or maroon-red color with a juicy, rich red flesh with three to six small brown edible seeds

Jaboticaba white fruit


Myrciaria aureana

Jaboticaba white fruit is a slow-growing evergreen that can reach a height of 15 meters if not pruned It has salmon-colored leaves when they are young, which turn green as they mature The tree prefers moist, rich, lightly acidic soil It is widely adaptable, however, and grows satisfactorily even on alkaline beach-sand type soils, so long as they are tended and irrigated

White Jamun fruit


Syzygium cumini

White Jamun fruit plants (Syzygium cumini) is an evergreen tropical tree in the flowering plant family Myrtaceae, native to Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Indonesia The fruit is oblong, ovoid, starts green and turns pink to shining crimson white as it matures A variant of the tree produces white coloured fruit,commonly known as white jamun Grafted or Buded white jamun fruited after 1 year

Butia Eriospatha Fruit



The Butia Eriospatha Fruit - raw A succulent, fibreless pulp with a pleasant, acidic-sweet flavour Delicious It is used to make jellies and jams It is fermented to make an alcoholic beverage

Kafal Friut


Myrica esculenta

Kafal is one of many extremely delicious wild fruits found throughout mid-Himalayan region The fruit looks somewhat like deep-red colored raspberries They barely have any pulp, have a big round seed in the center Since they are very refreshing to eat, they are well liked by many Nepalese

Kiwi fruit


Actinidia deliciosa

Kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry is the edible berries of several species of woody vines in the genus Actinidia It has a fibrous, dull greenish-brown skin and bright green or golden flesh with rows of tiny, black, edible seeds The fruit has a soft texture and a sweet but unique flavor It is a commercial crop in several countries, such as New Zealand, Italy, Chile, Greece, and France

Star Fruit


Averrhoa carambola

Carambola or starfruit, is the fruit of Averrhoa carambola, a species of tree native to the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Mauritius and Seychelles The fruit is popular throughout Southeast Asia, the South Pacific, Micronesia, and parts of East Asia The tree is also cultivated throughout non-indigenous tropical areas The fruit has distinctive ridges running down its sides (usually five but can sometimes vary); when cut in cross-section, it resembles a star, hence its name

Abiu Fruit


Pouteria caimito

Pouteria caimito, the Abiu is a tropical fruit tree originated in the Amazonian region of South America It will grow an average of 33 feet (10 m) high, and can grow as high as 116 feet (35 m) under good conditions Its fruits shape varies from round to oval with a point When ripe, it has smooth bright yellow skin and will have one to four ovate seeds

Mexico Mangosteen Fruits


The Mangosteen fruit reaches a size of about 4 cm in diameter The actual edible portion is the white orange like sections found on the inside Many people say that this is their favorite fruit Use it on salads or eat it alone

Macadamia Nut Fruit


Macadamia is a genus of four species of trees indigenous to Australia and constituting part of the plant family Proteaceae They are native to north eastern New South Wales and central and south eastern Queensland The tree is commercially important for its fruit, the macadamia nuts Other names include Queensland nut, bush nut, maroochi nut, bauple nut, and Hawaii nut

Maparang Fruit


Bouea macrophylla

Marian plum in Thai is calledmaprang (ma-praang and another name is ma-yong), and in Latin - bouea macrophylla Other popular names of this fruit: - Plum mango, - Marian mango, - Mayun (Myanmar), - Ramania ? gandaria (Indonesia), - Kundang, rembunia and setar (Malaysia) Medium-sized evergreen tree, 12–20 m (40–65 ft) tall, with a dense, rounded crown Alternate, lanceolate to elliptic, leathery leaves 20–40 cm (8– 16 in) long by 5–8 cm (2–3 in) wide

Longkong Fruit


Lansium parasiticum

Lansium parasiticum, also known as langsat or lanzones, is a species of tree in the Mahogany family The plant, which originates from western Southeast Asia, bears edible fruit It is the provincial flower for the Indonesian province of South Sumatra The fruit can be elliptical, ovoid or round, measuring 2 to 7 centimetres (0

Olosapo Fruit


Couepia polyandra

The Olosapo fruit (Couepia polyandra) a member of the Rosaceae or rose family, is indigenous to Central America and Mexico In Florida it makes an attractive small gray-trunked tree with 5- to 7-inch-long leaves, shiny dark green on top with a contrasting dull whitish-tomentose green under side Several crops of fruit are borne annually, usually appearing from early fall through spring During bloom, panicles containing minute white flowers appear in profusion on the terminal branches

Nance Fruit


Byrsonima crassifolia

Nance fruit grows in clusters on large shrubs approximately 10 meters tall The small fruits are round and only 1 to 2 centimeters in diameter Nance fruit matures from green to a yellow-orange color The fruit has a thin skin that can be easily peeled

Kepel Fruit


Stelechocarpus burahol

Stelechocarpus burahol is recognized by several other common and local names such as the kepel, kepel fruit, keppel fruit, kepel apple, or burahol They are from the humid evergreen forests of Southeast Asia and it is an annonaceous plant type And Kepel fruit plants in Keralais Avialable now The fruit grown only in Java, it has been known in Java to have great value as an oral deodorant

Santol Fruit


Sandoricum koetjape

There are two varieties ofsantol fruit, previously considered two different species, the yellow variety and the red The difference is in the color that the older leaves turn before falling The red appears to be more common and the reddish leaves mixed with the green ones add to the distinction and attractiveness of the tree The fruits are often the size, shape and slightly fuzzy texture of peaches, with a reddish tinge

Thaumatococcus danielli Fruit



Thaumatococcus daniellii is a plant species from Africa, known for being the natural source of thaumatin, an intensely sweet protein which is of interest in the development of sweeteners When the fleshy part of the fruit is eaten, this molecule binds to the tongue's taste buds, causing sour foods to taste sweetIt is a large, rhizomatous, flowering herb native to the rainforests of western Africa from Sierra Leone to Democratic Republic of the Congo It is also an introduced species in Australia and Singapore

Natal Plum Fruit


Carissa macrocarpa

Carissa macrocarpa is a shrub native to South Africa It is commonly known as the Natal plum and, in South Africa, the large num-num In Zulu, as well as in the Bantu tribes of Uganda, it is called Amathungulu or umThungulu oBomvu In Afrikaans the fruit is called noem-noem

Mangi fera pajang Fruit


Bouea macrophylla

Mangifera pajang fruit plants (Mangifera) is a species of plant in the family Anacardiaceae It is found only in Borneo, which comprises the Brunei sultanate, Kalimantan province of Indonesia, and the Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak The fruit is known in Borneo with its native name, Bambangan A very popular fruit within its native range, where it is commonly harvested from the wild and sold in local markets The tree is also often cultivated as a fruit crop in Borneo The plant is classified as 'Vulnerable' in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species(2013)

Rumdul Cambodia Fruit



Rumdul is a fruit from South East Asia However, it is most famous in Cambodia This tre has a very fragrant flower which has now been declared as national flower of Cambodia An evergreen tree, 10-12 m high, stem diameter 20-30 cm, bark yellow brown

Thron Apple Fruit


Datura stramonium

The Thron Apple (Datura stramonium)Datura has been used in traditional medicine to relieve asthma symptoms and as an analgesic during surgery or bonesetting It is also a powerful hallucinogen and deliriant, which is used entheogenically for the intense visions it produces However, the tropane alkaloids responsible for both the medicinal and hallucinogenic properties are fatally toxic in only slightly higher amounts than the medicinal dosage, and careless use often results in hospitalizations and deaths

Nance Fruit


Byrsonima crassifolia

Nance fruit grows in clusters on large shrubs approximately 10 meters tall The small fruits are round and only 1 to 2 centimeters in diameter Nance fruit matures from green to a yellow-orange color The fruit has a thin skin that can be easily peeled

Phalsa Fruit


Grewia asiatica

It is a shrub or small tree growing to 8 m tall The leaves are broadly rounded, 5?18 cm long and broad, with a petiole 1?15 cm long The flowers are produced in cymes of several together, the individual flowers about 2 cm diameter, yellow, with five large (12 mm) sepals and five smaller (4?5 mm) petals

Budha's Hand Fruit


Citrus medica var sarcodactylis, or the fingered citron, is an unusually shaped citron variety whose fruit is segmented into finger-like sections, resembling those seen on representations of Buddha It is called Buddha's hand The different cultivars and variations of this citron variety form a gradient from "open-hand" types with outward-splayed segments to "closed-hand" types, in which the fingers are kept together

Kei Apple Fruit


The kei apple, Dovyalis caffra Warb (syn Aberia caffra Harv & Sond

Safou Fruit


Safou fruit Native to the humid, tropical forests of West and Central Africa, safou (Dacryodes edulis) is also known as the “butterfruit” for its rich, oily pulp But safou is more than just creamy and delicious It’s quickly becoming an important cash crop for small farmers in Africa and has proven useful in agroforestry systems and in preventing hunger Safou is rich in fat content and amino acids

Sundrop Fruit


Sundrop fruits are very sour but have a fine passion fruit like aroma Sundrop fruit makes a very delicious juice Sundrop fruits are deseeded and frozen These are then blended with water and sweetener for juice which is very aromatic, bright orange, tasting like passion fruit juice

Uvaria Rufa Fruit


Uvaria species are scandent or sarmentose shrubs, normally stellately pubescent Stolons slender and long Leaves simple, alternate, glabrous or pubescent Uvaria rufa fruits are monoecious evergreen trees which grow to a height of 4 to 6 meters

Pitomba Fruit


Quararibea cordata

An excellent ornamental shrub The pitomba produces bright orange-yellow fruit with soft, melting, juicy flesh with a highly aromatic slightly acid flavour They are good eaten fresh or made into jelly and preserves Taste comparable to an apricot

Grumichama Fruit


Eugenia brasiliensis

Thegrumichama is native and wild in coastal southern Brazil, especially in the states of Parana and Santa Catarina It is cultivated in and around Rio de Janeiro, also in Paraguay A specimen was growing in Hope Gardens, Jamaica, in 1880 and a tree was planted in the Botanical Gardens, Singapore, in 1888, fruited in 1903 It has long since vanished from both of these locations

Longan Fruit


Euphoria longan Lour

The Longan Fruit exotic fruit of the longan tree also known as dragon eye, sweet, musky flavor Air layered or grafted trees begin producing fruit in two to three years Longan trees thrive in warm climates Plant the longan trees in the sunniest, highest, and driest part of the garden, as they require well-drained soil

Longan Diamond


Dimocarpus longan, commonly known as the longan is a tropical tree that produces edible fruit It is one of the better-known tropical members of the soapberry family (Sapindaceae), to which the lychee also belongs

Longan Edaw


Dimocarpus longan, commonly known as the longan (/?l????n/), is a tropical tree species that produces edible fruit It is one of the better-known tropical members of the soapberry family (Sapindaceae), to which the lychee, rambutan, guarana, korlan, pitomba, genip and ackee also belong The fruit of the longan are similar to that of the lychee, but less aromatic in taste[3] It is native to Southern Asia

Jatoba Fruit


Jatoba is endemic to the Caribbean, Central, and South America The tree's wood is used for manufacturing quality furniture and decorative items Jatoba is otherwise popularly known as Brazilian cherry or South American cherry The tree actually does not bear a cherry but its legume belongs to Fabaceae family

Chupa-Chupa Fruit


Quararibea cordata

Thechupa-chupa tree is fast-growing, erect, to 130 or even 145 ft (40-45 m) high in the wild, though often no more than 40 ft (12 m) in cultivation It is sometimes buttressed; has stiff branches in tiered whorls of 5; and copious gummy yellow latex The semi-deciduous, alternate, long-petioled leaves, clustered in rosettes near the ends of the branches, are broadly heart-shaped, normally 6 to 12 in (15-30 cm) long and nearly as wide Short-stalked, yellowish-white or rose-tinted, 5-petalled flowers, about 1 in (2

Musmula Friut


Mespilus germanica

Mespilus germanica requires warm summers and mild winters and prefers sunny, dry locations and slightly acidic soil Under ideal circumstances, the deciduous plant grows up to 8 metres (26 ft) tall Generally, it is shorter and more shrub-like than tree-like With a lifespan of 30–50 years, the medlar tree is rather short-lived

Udara Fruit


Chrysophyllum albidum

Chrysophyllum albidum (commonly known as white star apple) is a forest fruit tree described by the Scottish botanist George Don It is commonly found throughout tropical Africa Amongst the Yoruba tribes of Nigeria, it is called Agbalumo while called Udala in the eastern and southern parts of Nigeria It is closely related to the African star apple (Chrysophyllum africanum) which is also common throughout West Africa

Burdenkin plum Fruit


Pleiogynium timoriense

This semi-deciduous tree can naturally reach up to 20 m high but in cultivation generally grows to approximately 12 m It has a dense canopy with glossy dark green leaves and rough dark bark The tree has yellowish-green flowers which flower between January and March and later grow into a fruit The fruit's flesh is generally plum coloured however, white varieties have been reported

Mundar Friut


Fruit shape is round, because its local community call Mundar fruit or Bundar Very attractive skin color red, resembling a Plum Fruit mundar / round ( Garcinia forbesii ) feels a combination of sweet, sour and fresh Her skin is acid with such typical sap sap yellow mangosteen

Coco Plum Fruit


Chrysobalanus icaco

Chrysobalanus icaco, the cocoplum, paradise plum, abajeru or icaco, is found near sea beaches and inland throughout tropical Africa, tropical Americas and the Caribbean, and in southern Florida and the Bahamas It is also found as an exotic species on other tropical islands, where it has become a problematic invasive Chrysobalanus icaco is a shrub 1-3 metres (33-9

Madrone Fruit


Baccaurea Angulata

Madrone is a stunning evergreen tree that has large, leathery leaves that are shiny and green on top and gray underneath Large clusters of white flowers which bloom in early spring are followed by ½” red to yellow berries in the fall that attract birds Smooth, reddish bark peels away to expose light green underbark Though beautiful in its natural setting, Madrone is temperamental in the garden

Buchanania lanzan Fruit



Buchanania lanzan is a deciduous tree which produces seeds edible by humansIt is known as charoli(or chironji)These almond-flavoured seeds are used as a cooking spice primarily in India Buchanania lanzan is cultivated across India, primarily in the northwest

Kesusu Fruit



The strangest but coolest fruit of Borneo island It has other names such as Karon, Buruni and Ematak According to the guide, Kesusu belongs to Jackfruit family (Anacardiaceae), a type of latex plant Its scientific name is Prainea limpato

Varigated Fruits


Variegation is the appearance of differently coloured zones in the leaves, and sometimes the stems, of plants Variegated leaves occur rarely in nature Species with variegated individuals are sometimes found in the understory of tropical rainforests, and this habitat is the source of a number of variegated house plants The term is also sometimes used to refer to colour zonation in flowers, minerals, and the skin, fur, feathers or scales of animals

Variegated Gooseberry


The Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis, or amla) is light green and extremely bitter The Cape gooseberry - sometimes called a Peruvian cherry - is yellow-orange and surrounded by a paper-thin husk that falls off as it dries

Variegated Pomelo


The Pomelo is roughly globular to oblate in shape and varies in size and color Its peel is overwhelmingly thick with a cotton-textured pith Though the peel is easily removed, it can grow up to five inches deep

Variegated Sapote


The variegated variety of Calamondin has marbled green and yellow leaves and striped green and yellow fruit that eventually matures to orange Each lime is one inch across and round or oblate in shape Although Calamondins claim kumquat parentage, their rinds are inedible and bitter

Variegated Orange


The variegation is most noticeable when the fruit is unripe because the areas without chlorophyll stand out as yellow against the green stripesAs the fruit ripens and looses the green color, the fruit turns uniformly orange

Variegated Water Apple


The fragrant flesh is white or pink, and extremely juicy, somewhat like watermelon or an Asian pear The flavor is on the sweet side, with notes of rose, though very mild Usually there are no seeds, although some fruits may have a few

Variegated Guava


Fruit is medium size, pear-shaped, variegated (white/green striped) outside when unripe, turning bright yellow when ripe The flesh is pink, very aromatic, sweet and delicious, and contains only a few seeds that separate from pulp easily This variety is resistant to insects and worms

Landolphia dulcis Fruit



Landolphia dulcis is a climbing shrub producing stout woody, perennial stems up to 10 metres long that attach themselves to other plants for support by means of tendrils The plant is sometimes gathered from the wild for local use as a food and medicine The fruit is edible but of variable palatability, sometimes sweet, sometimes acid, sometimes astringent Perhaps these are varietal differencesSubsp dulcis is found in savannah in the west of the species range, whilst subsp barteri becomes more common in the east of the range, where it is found in dense forest

Landolphia owariensis Fruit



Eta grows as a shrub in the savannah, but when growing in the forest becomes a huge climbing plant, producing stems that climb over other plants in the forest and can reach a length of 100 metres or more with a basal diameter of 30cm The fruit is commonly harvested from the wild and is highly esteemed Before the days of the monopoly of natural rubber sources by Hevea plantations, this species was a very important source of vine-rubber It has been exploited as a forest-produce throughout its range, and plantations of it have at times been established elsewhere in Africa It fell into almost total commercial disuse, though during the 1939 - 45 war it regained an ephemeral interest as a substitute for hevea rubber In the Nigerian and Cameroons high-forest, yields of 22 - 180 kg per sq mile of forest (period not stated, but presumably per year) were recorded, and a skilled tapper could obtain 7½ kg per month, at the expense of much dangerous tree-climbing The fruits, resembling small oranges, are edible and are esteemed in all areas[332 ]

Isreal Fig Friut


Ficus carica

The FIG is a large tenacious tree which bears a fragile, highly sweet fruit in the hot summer months The fig, or te’ena in Hebrew, is native to Israel and the Ancient Near East and is well known in many biblical accounts It is one of the first trees mentioned in the Bible when Adam and Eve used its large, uniquely shaped leaves to sew for themselves coverings[2] The fig tree’s huge leaves fall away with winter and slowly begin budding forth in spring time

Israel fig fruit Red


The FIG is a large tenacious tree which bears a fragile, highly sweet fruit in the hot summer months The fig, or te’ena in Hebrew, is native to Israel and the Ancient Near East and is well known in many biblical accounts

Israel fig fruit Green


The fig, or te'ena in Hebrew, is native to Israel and the Ancient Near East and is well known in many biblical accounts It is one of the first trees mentioned in the Bible when Adam and Eve used its large, uniquely shaped leaves to sew for themselves coverings

Sea Grape Fruits


Coccoloba uvifera is a species of flowering plant in the buckwheat family, Polygonaceae, that is native to coastal beaches throughout tropical America and the Caribbean, including southern Florida, the Bahamas, the Greater and Lesser Antilles, and Bermuda Common names include seagrape and baygrape Sea grape is a dioecious species, that is, male and female flowers are borne on separate plants, and cross-pollination is necessary for fruit to develop Honey bees and other insects help pollinate these plants; male and female plants can be distinguished by the appearance of their flowers, as males usually show dead flower stalks

Ice Cream Bean Fruit


Inga edulis (eng ice-cream-bean, joaquiniquil, Mex cuaniquil, guama or guaba) is a fruit native to South America It is widely grown, especially by indigenous Amazonians, for shade, food, timber, medicine, and production of the alcoholic beverage cachiri

Rambutan Fruit


Plinia cauliflora

Rambutan trees are tropical species and thus need to be kept in a very warm environment The ideal temperature for a rambutan is 71 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit Even a few days of temperatures going below 50 degrees Fahrenheit could irreparably damage the tree and cause it to die There are numerous varieties of rambutan trees

Malwana Rambutan


since the day the seeds were planted in Sri Lanka it has become an exclusive aspect of the Sri Lankan culture Legend says that the Portuguese had a fortress in Malwana and that they found that the soil in the Kelani Valley was ideal for the plant to thrive

King Rumbutan


The rambutan (/ræm?bu?t?n/, taxonomic name: Nephelium lappaceum) is a medium-sized tropical tree in the family Sapindaceae The name also refers to the edible fruit produced by this tree The rambutan is native to the Malay-Indonesian region, and other regions of tropical Southeast Asia

Schoolboy Rambutan


Rambutan is an important fruit tree of humid tropical Southeast Asia, traditionally cultivated especially in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand It is a popular garden fruit tree and propagated commercially in small orchardsThe fruit are usually sold fresh, used in making jams and jellies

Green Rambutan


rambutan trees can bear fruit twice annually, once in late fall and early winter, with a shorter season in late spring and early summerRambutan is propagated by grafting, air-layering, and budding; the latter is most common as trees grown from seed often produce sour fruit Budded trees may fruit after two to three years with optimum production occurring after eight to 10 years

Bacuri Fruit


Platonia insignis also known as Bacuri fruit is considered to be one of the tastiest and healthiest among fruits Native to South America, this fruit closely resembles papaya in color and shape The Bacuri's insides consist of a white pulp with just about three to five seeds The pulp surrounds the seeds and give's a sweet and sour taste

Tropical Apricot Fruit


The Tropical Apricot fruit plant has many of the attributes of both parents It is also known as Dovyah's Hybrid or just DovyalisThe name tropical apricot, which has been used to describe the fruit's color and taste, is how the plant is commonly referred to in pan-tropical areas where it grows The dovyalis should not be confused with Mamey, (Mammea americana L

Borojo Fruit


Alibertia patinoi, commonly known as borojo , is a small (2-5m), dioecious tropical rainforest tree It is one of the few of the Rubiaceae family that has edible fruit It grows in the northwest area of Colombia in the Choco Department and in the Esmeraldas Province of Ecuador, in areas of high humidity and temperature Borojo is an Embera word meaning: boro = head, jo = fruit - head-shaped fruit, or round, globulous fruit

Monk Fruit


Monk fruit juice is an amazing twenty times sweeter than other fruit juices The unique low-calorie sweetness of monk fruit comes from naturally occurring antioxidants found in the fruit that have a delicious, sweet taste, without the calories of sugar Used as a food ingredient monk fruit adds delicious low-calorie sweetness, replacing sugar and calories with great-tasting goodness from fruit Monk fruit has traditionally been grown on steep, forested mountains in small family orchards, so until recently there hasn't been very much of it

Salak Fruit


Euphoria longan Lour

Salak fruit is a species of palm tree It is a very short-stemmed palm, with leaves up to 6 metres (20 ft) long; each leaf has a 2-metre long petiole with spines up to 15 centimetres (59 in) long, and numerous leaflets The fruits grow in clusters at the base of the palm, and are also known as snake fruit due to the reddish-brown scaly skin

Salak Proneless


The fruits grow in clusters at the base of the palm, and are also known as snake fruit due to the reddish-brown scaly skin They are about the size and shape of a ripe fig, with a distinct tip The pulp is edible The fruit can be peeled by pinching the tip, which should cause the skin to slough off so it can be pulled away

Salak Red


Snake fruit, along with durian and a host of other fruit, is a natural growing gem of southeast AsiaThe outside of the fruit is scaly like a snake and prickly like a cactus, but the inside is sweeter than honey, sour like a pineapple and incredibly juicy Its flesh is slightly acidic, giving your tongue a citrus like tingle

Gac Fruit


Gac Fruit , or simply Gac as it is referred to in Southeast Asia, is actually a tropical vine that is botanically classified as Momordica cochinchinensis It is also commonly known as Baby Jackfruit, Chinese Bitter Cucumber, Chinese Cucumber, Cochinchin Gourd, Gac, Giant Spine Gourd, Spiny Bitter Cucumber, Spiny Bitter Gourd and Sweet Gourd It has an extremely short season, a mere two months long, but the fruit plays an important role in celebratory dishes as well as in natural medicine Until recently, Gac has been a mystery outside of its native lands, but the juice has since been promoted as a dietary supplement because of its allegedly high phytonutrient content

JackFruit plant


Artocarpus heterophyllus.

Jackfruit is an evergreen tree up to 25 m (82 ft) tall with alternate, glossy, somewhat leathery leaves Blade 15–23 cm (6–9 in) long, oval or lobed on young shoots All parts of the plant contain a white, sticky latex Flowers and fruits are produced on the trunk and on older branches (cauliflory)

Chembarathi Varikka


That is softer than red jackfruit and color almost same , name 'chembarathi varikka ' In Malayalam, it is called 'Chembaratti Chakka” (chembaratti means hibiscus denoting red color) Its Kannada name is 'Chandra Halasu'Chembarathi varikka will be the star attraction at the fete

Super Early


Dwarf Rare " VIETNAM SUPER EARLY " Variety Jackfruit (Grafted) Live Plant - | Home & Living, Garden, Seeds | eBay!This is the best breed of vines in ViatnamAs the name suggests,it is very rapidly growing and its effect is the main advantage

Thean Varikka


'Then Varikka' Jackfruit seedlings from IndiaSo "honey varikka," then No clue what varrika means, but thean means honey Good name



Jackfruit is Unripe fruit can be cooked as a vegetable dish and eaten with rice It can also be cooked with chicken, fish and eggs Jackfruit pulp • The ripe fruit is eaten as dessert, made into jam,



Gumless jackfruit seems to have all characters required for branding the fruit at both state and national level Jackfruit that includes the now famous 'gum-less variety', the all season variety "Sadananda Halasu," "maharajapuram," Sornadu variety, the much in demand and highly attractive red flesh jackfruit "Chandra halasu,"

Muttan Varikka


Jack fruit tree is mostly seen in the tropical lowlands This fruits is large and fleshy and are covered with thorny tubercles Unripe fruits can be cooked The seeds may be boiled or baked

Red jackfruit


Red fleshed jackfruit is very rare in Kerala and other jack growing states It has be noted that any color shade between yellowish red, light red, light pink to dark red are all categorized by people as ‘red jackfruit’ Hirehalli centre is one of the best in the country that has identified me the best jackfruit trees and the released by name of "Siddu Halasu" varieties

Singapore Varikka


Rudrakshi has common pumello sized fruits with smooth rind and less spines, whereas Singapore or Ceylon jack, introduced from Ceylon, is highly precociousThe 'Singapore', or 'Ceylon', jack, a remarkably early bearer producing fruit in 18 months to 2 1/2 years from transplanting, was introduced into India from Ceylon and planted extensively in 1949 The fruit is of medium size with small, fibrous carpers which are very sweet

December honey jackfruit


The taste is very nice,the smell is quite sweet honey and strong,there is loads of pale yellow flesh honey The bean-shaped achenes of the jackfruit are coated with a firm yellowish aril (seed coat, flesh), which has an intense sweet taste at maturity of the fruitScientific name: Artocarpus heterophyllusIt contains a high amount of nutrients like vitamin, minerals, electrolytes, phytonutrients, carbohydrate, fiber, fat, and protein

Lemon Jackfruit


It was a very nice yellow color on the interior VibrantTaste: Very lemony, with thick walled and very fleshy pods Crispy I would say, very easy to eat and pleasant

Seedless Jack Fruit


The ripe and unripe fruit and seeds less The jackfruit tree is well-suited to tropical lowlands, and its fruit is the largest tree-borne fruit, reaching as much as 55 kg (120 lb) in weight, 90 cm (35 in) in length, and 50 cm (20 in) in diameter

Dang Suria Jackfruit


DANG SURIYA THAILAND " Super Tasty Grafted Jackfruit The seeds from ripe fruits are edible, and are said to have a milky, sweet taste The inflorescences are pedunculated, cylindrical to ellipsoidal or pear-shaped, to about 10-12 centimeters long and 5-7 centimeters wide

Saba senegalensis Fruit



The fruit has a soft, edible pulp with a sweet-sour flavour The yellowish, ovoid fruit is about 7 cm long by 8 cm diameter It is much prized and, besides the medico-magical attributes of the plant, is a very good reason for the conservation of the liana in the vicinity of villages Most fruits about the size of a medium to small orange

Cupuassu Friut


Theobroma grandiflorum

Cupuacu (Theobroma grandiflorum), also spelled cupuassu, cupuazu, cupu assu, and copoasu, is a tropical rainforest tree related to cacaoCommon throughout the Amazon basin, it is widely cultivated in the jungles of Colombia, Bolivia and Peru and in the north of Brazil, with the largest production in Para followed by Amazonas, Rondonia and AcreThe pulp of the cupuacu fruit is widely consumed throughout Central and South America, and is used to make ice creams, snack bars, and other value added products Cupuacu trees usually range from 5-15 m (16-49 ft) in height, though some can reach 20 m (66 ft)

Kwai Muk Friut


SArtocarpus hypargyraeus

The Kwai Muk is native to China It is a slow-growing, slender tree that can be grown as an ornamental specimen plant due to its erect growing habit and attractive long slender leaves The Kwai Muk, possibly A lingnanensis Merr

Alupag Fruit



The Alupag tree, scientifically known asDimocarpus didyma, is an evergreen fruit bearing plant, indigenous to Philippines It is a close relative of litchi and bears tasty fruits The tree, around 7-10 meters tall, is evergreen Leaves alternate, compound, up to 30 cm long with 6-9 pairs of leaflets the texture leathery

Cutnut Fruit



Cutnut fruit is a medium-sized evergreen tree, 15–25 m (50–80 ) tall Nearly sessile leaves whorled at nodes Shiny dark green, leathery, simple leaves 30–70 cm (12–28 in) long by 10–25 cm (4–10 in) wide Yellow, white, or red owers with long stamens in showy, pendulous, brushlike spikes up to 1 m (3 ) long

African marula


hot, dry, tropical savannah

The marula is a medium-sized to large deciduous tree with an erect trunk and rounded crown It is one of the plants that played a role in feeding people in ancient timesMale and female flowers are borne on separate trees, the flowers of male plants producing pollen and the female flowers producing the fruit for which the tree is so well known These are green on the tree and turn yellow after falling (Feb-June)

Engkala Fruit


Borneo avocado

The engkala fruit is a small fruit that looks more suited for the diet of hobbits, rather than humans Typically it’s not eaten raw, but soaked in hot water until its pink hue turns white A careful squeeze to its sides will cause the delicate white center to slide out The scientific name for this fruit is Litsea Garciae

Mammee Apple Fruit



The Mammee Apple fruit is 18 m (59 ft) – 21 m (69 ft) high and is similar in appearance to the southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) Its trunk is short and reaches 19 m (6 ft 3 in) - 12 m (3 ft 11 in) in diameter

Pedalai Fruit


Artocarpus sericicarpus

Artocarpus sericarpus, the pedalai, gumihan or terap bulu, is a tropical evergreen tree species of the family Moraceae It is the cousin of jackfruit and breadfruit Pedalai fruit have attractive bright orange skin with smallsoft curly hair protrusions The sweet, creamy white flesh has a superior flavour, firmer flesh and slightly larger segments than marang and no latex is exuded

Fila Dogs

Fila Dogs

Fila Dogs The Fila Brasileiro(Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈfilɐ ˌbraziˈlejɾu]) also known as the Brazilian Mastiff is a large working breed of dog developed in Brazil It is known for its superb tracking ability, aggressiveness and an unforgiving impetuous temperament When a Brazilian Mastiff finds its quarry, it does not attack it, but rather holds it at bay until the hunter arrives Owing to these qualities, the Brazilian Mastiff is used as a guard dog, as a shepherd dog for herding livestock and as a hunting dog for tracking and controlling large prey When slavery was legal in Brazil, the Brazilian Mastiff was used to return fugitives unharmed to their slave masters

English Cocker

English Cocker

English Cocker: The English Cocker Spaniel is a breed of gun dog The English Cocker Spaniel is an active, good-natured, sporting dog [1] standing well up at the withers and compactly built[2] There are "field" or "working" cockers and "show" cockers It is one of several varieties of spaniel and somewhat resembles its American cousin, the American Cocker Spaniel, although it is closer to the working-dog form of the Field Spaniel and the English Springer Spaniel The sport of conformation showing began in earnest among spaniels after the Spaniel Club was formed in 1885

Lhasa Apso

Lhasa Apso

Lhasa Apso: The Lhasa Apso is a non-sporting dog breed originating in Tibet[1] It was bred as an interior sentinel in the Buddhist monasteries, to alert the monks to any intruders who entered Lhasa is the capital city of Tibet, and apso is a word in the Tibetan language meaning "bearded", so, Lhasa Apso simply means "long-haired Lhasa dog" There are, however, some who claim that the word "apso" is a form of the Tibetan word "rapso", meaning "goat-like",[2] which would make the equivalent translation "wooly Lhasa dog"The Lhasa Apso originated in the area of Tibet over 4,000 years ago as a small breed of mountain wolf



Bullmastiff: The Bullmastiff is a large-sized breed of domestic dog, with a solid build and a short muzzle The Bullmastiff shares the characteristics of molosser dogs, and was originally developed by 19th-century gamekeepers to guard estates

Belgian Shepherd

Belgian Shepherd

Belgian Shepherd: The Belgian Shepherd (also known as the Belgian Sheepdog or Chien de Berger Belge) is a breed of medium-to-large-sized herding dog It originated in Belgium and is similar to other sheep herding dogs from that region, including the Dutch Shepherd, the German Shepherd, the Briard, and others Four types have been identified by various registries as separate breeds or varieties:In Belgium (the country of origin) all four types are considered to be varieties of a single breed, differentiated by hair colour and texture In Belgium (the country of origin) all four types are considered to be varieties of a single breed, differentiated by hair colour and texture

St. Bernard

St. Bernard

St Bernard: The St Bernard or St Bernard (UK: /ˈbɜːrnərd/, US: /bərˈnɑːrd/) is a breed of very large working dog from the western Alps They were originally bred for rescue at the Great St Bernard Pass on the Italian-Swiss border, and Little St Bernard Pass in the Italian-French border,[2] located close to one another The two hospices were built and run by the same monk brotherhood

Afghan Hound

Afghan Hound

Afghan Hound: The Afghan Hound is a hound that is distinguished by its thick, fine, silky coat and its tail with a ring curl at the end The breed is selectively bred for its unique features in the cold mountains of Afghanistan The Afghan Hound is tall, standing in height 61–74 cm (24–29 in) and weighing 20–27 kg (44–60 lb) The coat may be any colour, but white markings, particularly on the head, are discouraged; many individuals have a black facial mask

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier: The Jack Russell is frequently confused with the Parson Russell terrier (see the American Kennel Club) and the Russell terrier, which is a shorter-legged, stockier variety (Within the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, the "Russell terrier" is also known as "Jack Russell terrier") The term "Jack Russell" is also commonly misapplied to other small white terriers The Jack Russell is a broad type, with a size range of 10–15 inches (25–38 cm) The Parson Russell is limited only to a middle range with a standard size of 12–14 inches (30–36 cm), while the Russell terrier is smaller at 8–12 inches (20–30 cm)

Great Dane

Great Dane

Great Dane: The Great Dane is a German breed of domestic dog known for its giant size The German name of the breed is Deutsche Dogge, or German Mastiff The French name is Dogue Allemand In the middle of the 16th century, the nobility in many countries of Europe imported strong, long-legged dogs from England, which were descended from crossbreeds between English Mastiffs and Irish Wolfhounds They were dog hybrids in different sizes and phenotypes with no formal breed These dogs were called Englische Docke or Englische Tocke – later written and spelled: Dogge – or Englischer Hund in Germany



Jonangi: The Jonangi is also known as Jonangi Jagilam or Kolleti Jagilam is an Indian Dog breed, majorly found in separated state of Andhra Pradesh and also in some parts of Karnataka It was once abundantly found in and around Kolleru Lake of West Godavari and Krishna Districts of Andhra Pradesh This dog has a very short and smooth hair It is mainly used as hunting and also as herding dog by people who have this breed Once this breed was found around the entire coastal region of India, now it’s found mostly in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka,Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Goa

Dogo Argentino

Dogo Argentino

Dogo Argentino: The Dogo Argentino is a large, white, muscular dog that was developed in Argentina primarily for the purpose of big-game hunting, including wild boar; the breeder, Antonio Nores Martínez, also wanted a dog that would exhibit steadfast bravery and willingly protect its human companion It was first bred in 1928, from the Cordoba Fighting Dog along with a wide array of other breeds including the Great Dane The Dogo Argentino is a large white short-coated dog with muscular and strong body that rarely has any markings (any type of marking or spot on the coat is considered a flaw)[1] While it is not accepted in many of the clubs, a Dogo Argentino can have a black spot on its head known as 'pirata' and it is accepted by the Federación Cinológica Argentina And you can only find the Dogo Argentino dogs in keralaonly in our farm

Cane Corso

Cane Corso

Cane Corso:The Cane Corso is a large Italian Molosser, which is closely related to the Neapolitan Mastiff In name and form the Cane Corso predates its cousin the Neapolitan Mastiff It is well muscled and less bulky than most other Mastiff breeds The overall impression should be of power, balanced with athleticism A Corso should be moderately tight skinned; however, some dewlap on the neck is normal, and the bottom of the jawline should be defined by the hanging lip



The Rottweiler is one of the more recognizable breeds with his large head, solidly muscled body, and distinctively handsome black-and-tan markingsRottweiler in kerala He is intelligent, strong, and loyal His fans seem to fall into two camps: Those who consider their dogs to be large but gentle love bugs, and those who wish their dogs to be anything but News stories of killer Rotties in the hands of inexperienced or less-than-savory owners have turned many people off the bad-to-the-bone dogs, but reputable breeders are picking up the pieces and restoring the reputation of the breed A word to the wise: Don’t underestimate this dog’s power and protectiveness



Husky is a general name for a sled-type dog used in northern regions, differentiated from other sled-dog types by their fastpulling style They are an ever-changing cross-breed of the fastest dogs The Alaskan Malamute, by contrast, was used for pulling heavier loads Huskies are used in sled dog racingHuskies are also today kept as pets, and groups work to find new pet homes for retired racing and adventure trekking dogs

Rough Collie

Rough Collie

Rough Collie: Originally used as herding dogs in Scotland and Northern England, the rough collie dog has a beautiful, multicolored coat of long, rough-textured fur that easily identifies this amazing breed Well-known for their intelligence and ease of training, the most famous rough collie personality trait is devotion to their owner followed by their love for children Those basic characteristics made the rough collie dog the perfect breed to star as Lassie, the beloved family TV show pup that always came to the rescue of her little boy, Timmy The rough collie breed includes two variations: the long-hair, true rough collie, and the shorter-haired, sometimes called smooth collie

English bulldog

English bulldog

English bulldog: The Bulldog, also known as the British Bulldog or English Bulldog, is a medium-sized breed of dog It is a muscular, hefty dog with a wrinkled face and a distinctive pushed-in nose The American Kennel Club (AKC), The Kennel Club (UK), and the United Kennel Club (UKC) oversee breeding records Bulldogs were the fourth most popular purebred in the US in 2016 according to the American Kennel Club Bulldogs have characteristically wide heads and shoulders along with a pronounced mandibular prognathism

Himalayan Sheepdog

Himalayan Sheepdog

Himalayan Sheepdog: The Himalayan Sheepdog, also referred to as the Bhotia, is a livestock guardian dog that originated from Tibetan mastiff in India This mountain dog breed is closely similar to Tibetan Mastiff and may be related to the long-haired Kinnaur Sheepdog of Tibet Naturally, Himalayan Sheepdogs enjoy outdoor lifestyles and are rarely seen beyond the regions of India and southern Nepal As a powerful and robust breed, the Himalayan Sheepdog is mainly used for herding purposes The Himalayan Sheepdog is regionally popular as both a loyal companion as well as a working dog



Ferrets White: The ferret (Mustela putorius furo) is the domesticated form of the European polecat, a mammal belonging to the same genus as the weasel, Mustela, in the family Mustelidae[1] Their fur is typically brown, black, white, or mixed They have an average length of 51 cm (20 in), including a 13 cm (51 in) tail, weigh about 15–4 pounds (0

Sun Conure

Sun Conure

Sun Conures measure 12 inches (30cm) in length, including the long tail They weigh between 35 - 45 oz (100 - 130g), with an average weight of 4 oz (110 g) As with all conures, the Sun Conure has the bare, white skin patch around the eyes



The Chippiparai has typical streamlined sighthound features with long legs and a lean and lithe frame built for speed, the breed is usually white in colour although other colours can be found, it averages 61 centimetres (24 in) in height at the withers, dogs averaging 63 centimetres (25 in) and bitches 56 centimetres (22 in)A hardy breed, the Chippiparai is reputed to prefer a single master, shunning food and pats from anyone except its handlerThe Chippiparai is often regarded as the most intelligent and biddable of India's native dog breeds



The Kanni (கன்னி), meaning pure, (also known as the Maiden's Beastmaster) is a rare indigenous South Indian sighthound breed of dog found in the state of Tamil Nadu Their native breeding tract is located around villages in the Tirunelveli and Thoothukudi districts The breed is used mainly for coursing "Kanni" refers to the black and tan and black and sable varieties, while the variety which is one colour is known as the Chippiparai However some experts claim both Kanni and Chippiparai dogs to be distinct dogs



A hedgehog is any of the spiny mammals of the subfamily Erinaceinae, in the eulipotyphlan family Erinaceidae There are seventeen species of hedgehog in five genera found through parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa, and in New Zealand by introduction There are no hedgehogs native to Australia and no living species native to the Americas

Sugar Glider

Sugar Glider

The sugar glider is a small, omnivorous, arboreal, and nocturnal gliding possum belonging to the marsupial infraclass The common name refers to its predilection for sugary foods such as sap and nectar and its ability to glide through the air, much like a flying squirrel They have very similar habits and appearance to the flying squirrel, despite not being closely related—an example of convergent evolution

Ring-necked Pheasant

Ring-necked Pheasant

Ring-necked Pheasant: The common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) is a bird in the pheasant family (Phasianidae) The genus name comes from Latin phasianus, "pheasant" The species name colchicus is Latin for "of Colchis" (modern day Georgia), a country on the Black Sea where pheasants became known to Europeans It is native to Asia and has been widely introduced elsewhere as a game bird In parts of its range, namely in places where none of its relatives occur such as in Europe, where it is naturalised, it is simply known as the "pheasant"

Melanistic mutant

Melanistic mutant

Melanistic mutant: This melanistic mutant is a pure breed These large, beautiful pheasants feature an iridescent, greenish-black plumage A favorite variety for release, they display a remarkable ability to survive and reproduce in the wild Prime habitat consists of 55-70 % crop fields such as corn, soybean, or small grains

Golden pheasant

Golden pheasant

The golden pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus), also known as the Chinese pheasant, and rainbow pheasant, is a gamebird of the order Galliformes (gallinaceous birds) and the family Phasianidae (pheasants)

Pineapple Conure

Pineapple Conure

Pineapple Conure is a beautiful variation of the Green Cheek Conure that came into being as a mutation of Cinnamon and Yellow-sided Conure This unique combination gives them a colorful appearance that makes them a popular pet option among bird lovers Their small size is another reason for their popularity The playfulness, intelligence, and quiet nature add to their appeal They are friendly little birds who need attentive and loving owners

Green cheek

Green cheek

The green-cheeked conure is a little clown, always full of antics These birds love to hang upside-down and clamor along the cage bars, waiting for their owners to play with them Green cheeks are mischief-makers, so keep an eye on your bird at all times This is a good bird for children, as it is small enough for little hands to handle and is generally good-natured However, realize that any bird can bite, and little fingers are tender

Black Face Pineapple Conure

Black Face Pineapple Conure

The black-capped conure is one of the smallest of the conure parrots, as well as one of the most distinctive in appearance with its brownish-black crown and scale-patterned neck Black-capped conures can be slightly shy, but once comfortable with their adopted family; they are an inquisitive and loving pet This bird has the notable advantage of being a quieter species than other conures

Ceramic Pod 3 ft

Ceramic Pod 3 ft

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mango pot

mango pot

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  180 ₹  

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Arrowroot Fruit plants

Arrowroot Fruit plants

Historically, arrowroot has been used for its medicinal properties Most of its potential health benefits are linked to its starch content and compositionArrowroot is a plant People use starch taken from the root and rhizome (underground stem) to make medicine

Sweet potato Fruit plants

Sweet potato Fruit plants

The sweet potato or sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) is a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the bindweed or morning glory family, Convolvulaceae Its large, starchy, sweet-tasting, tuberous roots are a root vegetable[1][2] The young leaves and shoots are sometimes eaten as greens The sweet potato is commonly thought to be a type of potato (Solanum tuberosum) but does not belong to the nightshade family, Solanaceae, but both families belong to the same taxonomic order, the Solanales The sweet potato, especially the orange variety, is often called a "yam" in parts of North America, but is botanically very distinct from true yams

Beauregard Sweet Potatoes

Beauregard Sweet Potatoes

These sweet potatoes originated in Louisiana and have dark orange or copper-colored skin and a very uniform shape They mature in roughly 100 days and are a fairly new variety, although they are already very popular with farmers They also produce high yields and are subject to very little cracking

“Bunch” Porto Rico Sweet Potatoes

“Bunch” Porto Rico Sweet Potatoes

Also known as Vineless or Bush sweet potatoes, you can grow these even if your growing space is small The flesh is light red and the outside is a copper color They have a delicious flavor and are especially good when baked

Carolina Bunch Sweet Potatoes

Carolina Bunch Sweet Potatoes

Developed in South Carolina, these sweet potatoes have a uniform shape and skin that is smooth and bright to light copper in color The flesh itself is deep orange, and this variety is a vigorous plant that matures in approximately 120 days

Satsuma Sweet Potatoes

Satsuma Sweet Potatoes

Cultivated mostly in the Satsuma area of Japan, these sweet potatoes have been around since the 1600s They are used in many ways in that area of the world,

Red Jewel Sweet Potatoes

Red Jewel Sweet Potatoes

This is a very versatile and popular type of sweet potato, with dark orange flesh and red skin When baked, it ends up with a very soft texture, and it can add some beauty to your table as well

Purple Sweet Potatoes

Purple Sweet Potatoes

With deep purple skin and flesh, these sweet potatoes are fairly dry in the middle and not very sweet, making them better for use in recipes than for eating by themselves

Dioscorea alata Fruit plants

Dioscorea alata Fruit plants

Water yam is a vigorous, perennial, climbing plant, producing annual stems up to 15 metres long from a very large tuberous rootstock These stems scramble over the ground, or twine into the surrounding vegetation The stem is quadrangular, winged, and twines right-handed The plant is widely cultivated in tropical areas for its edible root A very polymorphic species, originating in SE Asia and not found wild, it was dispersed by humans over the Pacific and Indian Oceans in prehistory, and is now widespread in the Region and pantropicsDioscorea alata, also known as purple yam, ube, or greater yam, among many other names, is a species of yam (a tuber)

Dioscorea japonica

Dioscorea japonica

Dioscorea esculenta

Dioscorea esculenta

Dioscorea rotundata

Dioscorea rotundata

Dioscorea sylvatica

Dioscorea sylvatica

bulbifera etoensm

bulbifera etoensm

Dioscorea batatas

Dioscorea batatas

Elephant foot yam Plants

Elephant foot yam Plants

Amorphophallus paeoniifolius, the Elephant foot yam or whitespot giant arum,is a tropical tuber crop grown primarily in Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia and the tropical Pacific islands Because of its production potential and popularity as a vegetable in various cuisines, it can be raised as a cash crop Elephant foot yam Elephant foot yam is a remunerative and profitable stem tuber crop The crop is gaining popularity due to its shade tolerance, easiness in cultivation, high productivity, less incidence of pests and diseases, steady demand and reasonably good price Elephant foot yam The elephant-foot yam is widely used in Indian medicine and is recommended as a remedy in all three of the major Indian medicinal systems: Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani

Colocasia Friut plants

Colocasia Friut plants

Colocasia is a widely available vegetable in our state Some of them are edible, and others are not The scientific name of colocasia is colocasia esculenta It belongs to the plant family of Araceae Colocasia is a popular agricultural crop in Kerala



About Beans Plant A climbing bean plant that will climb a wall or tree or trellis shell bean, shell bean plant a bean plant grown primarily for its edible seed rather than its pod Phaseolus vulgaris, common bean, common bean plant the common annual twining or bushy bean plant grown for its edible seeds or pods



A glossy red, or occasionally yellow, pulpy edible fruit which is eaten as a vegetable or in salad It is several plants belonging to the genus Lycopersicon, of the nightshade family, native to Mexico and Central and South America, especially the widely cultivated species L lycopersicum, bearing a mildly acid, pulpy, usually red fruit eaten raw or cooked as a vegetable The South American plant of the nightshade family which produces the tomato It is widely grown as a cash crop and many varieties have been developed

Ladies Finger

Ladies Finger

Any of various plants with finger-shaped parts: such as a : any of several legumes (as kidney vetch or bird's-foot trefoil) b dialectal, England : cuckoopintLady's fingers is an alternative English name for okra, the mucilaginous seed pods of a plant of the hollyhock family Quaintly ancient as it sounds, the term, or at least its application, appears to go back no further than the early twentieth century If you mean a finger (noun) belonging to a lady, that would be “lady's finger”



Brinjal (Solanum melongena), also known as eggplant or aubergine, is an easily cultivated plant belonging to the family SolanaceaeIts fruit is high in nutrition and commonly consumed as a vegetable The fruit and other parts of the plant are used in traditional medicine The consultations were being held in the wake of strong views raised both for and against the introduction of Bt brinjal, a transgenic brinjal created by inserting a gene cry1Ac from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis into brinjal, which is said to have given the brinjal plant resistance against lepidopteran insects The Oxford Dictionary defines fruit as being developed from the ovary of a flowering plant, containing the seed of the flower



Tapioca is a starch extracted from cassava root (Manihot esculenta) This species is native to the northeast region of Brazil, but its use spread throughout South America Tapioca is a food consisting of white grains, rather like rice, which come from the cassava plant It is small, hard pieces of the dried and crushed root of the cassava plant, usually cooked



Momordica charantia, known as bitter melon, bitter gourd, bitter squash, or balsam-pear, is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae, widely grown in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean for its edible fruit Its many varieties differ substantially in the shape and bitterness of the fruit 1 : colocynth 2 : an edible gourd of Australia and Asia that is probably identical with a snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguina) 3 : bitter melon 1