Cambuci Fruit

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About Cambuci Fruit
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About Cambuci Fruit(Mirtacee)

The cambuci is a hygrophytic and heliophytic semi-deciduous tree in the Mirtacee family, a relative of the guava, pitanga, guabiroba and jabuticaba. It can reach a height of 8 meters, but grows slowly. It has a pyramidal shape with smooth trunk and elliptic leaves. The white, elegant flowers are hermaphroditic and blossom from August to November, while the fruit matures from January to April. The thin green skin of the fruit does not change color as the fruit ripens, but just becomes a little yellower. The fruit is ripe when it gets soft and begins to detach from the branches.

The fruit is about 6 centimeters in diameter with juicy creamy flesh and not many seeds. With a slightly sweet but very acidic flavor like a lemon, the cambuci is not usually eaten raw. However its strong flavor and aroma have meant that since Colonial times it has been used to flavor cachaça liquor, a still widespread application in areas where it grows. Cambuci fruit is a hygrophytic and heliophytic semi-deciduous tree in the Mirtacee familyCambuci fruit plants are available here..

Growth Rate : Moderate

Fruit Color : Green