Mountain Sapote

Buy Mountain Sapote
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About Mountain Sapote
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About Mountain Sapote(Diospyros riojae)

A small evergreen tropical Rare Fruit tree, with alternately arranged leaves on long stalks, Foliage has broadly oval, glossy medium green leaves and cream colored flowers followed by green/brown immature fruits about 8 cm in diameter. When ripe fruits are yellow skinned, with juicy white flesh. The flavorful yellow fruits are edible and delicious. Young trees are able to fruit at an early age. It can be grown indoors as container plant or greenhouse culture. For proper maintenance and good growth, this tropical tree will grow best if kept warm, in bright light with high humidity.

A small tree to about 10 m tall, native to a variety of dryish montane forests in southern Mexico. It is popular and occasionally cultivated in Mexico for its delectable, plum-sized fruits but little know elsewhere. Diospyros riojae is best suited to warm temperate climates in USDA Zones 9 and above.Mountain Sapote Fruit Plants in Keralais now available in our farms. .

Growth Rate : Moderate

Fruit Color : Brown