Mahkota dewa fruit or phaleria macrocarpa and also know as God’s Crown is a powerful healing herbal fruit which is full of antioxidants. This wonderful fruit is full of healing qualities including boosting vitality, healing skin disease, helps with diabetes, heals gout, lowers cholesterol, helps prevent heart disease, helps with kidney disease, boosts immunity
Plants are also effective to treat the disease.Flowers crown the god or Phaleria macrocarpa. Leaves single, elongated oval pointy toes. While the fruit is round with varying sizes.
Eclipse-shaped fruits are green when unripe, and have a diameter of 3 cm (1.2 in).
They are red when ripe. The white, round pits are poisonous and fruit is of eclipse shape with a diameter of 3 cm (1.2 in). Each fruit has one to two brown, ovoid, and anatropous seeds per fruit. Mahkota Dewa Friut Plants in Keralais also available now.