Baccaurea pyriformis

Buy Baccaurea pyriformis
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About Baccaurea pyriformis
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About Baccaurea pyriformis(Phyllanthaceae)

Baccaurea pyriformis is a tree with a dense crown growing 7 - 30 metres tall. The bole is 8 - 50cm in diameter, small buttresses are sometimes present. The edible fruit is harvested from the wild for local use. A mid-canopy tree of primary rain forests at elevations from sea level to 1,000 metres.

Mostly found on alluvial sites, but also on hillsides and ridges.Fruit - raw The pear-shaped fruits are up to 38mm long and 34mm wide In common with other trees that produce their flowers and fruits on the trunk of the tree, members of this genus are generally considered to be good support trees for the climbing rattan palms, which are grown to provide material for basket making, weaving into furniture, making ropes etc .

Higher classification : Spurges