Cempedak Friut

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About Cempedak Friut
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About Cempedak Friut(Artocarpus)

Cempedak Friut plants Commonly known as cempedak is a species of tree in the familyMoraceae, and in the same genus. as Breadfruitm and Jackfruit.Unripe cempedak tastes starchy and bitter, and is not consumed raw. When cooked, however, the unripe fruit tastes like sweet potato. wood is good, very strong and durable, it is often used as lumber, furniture or materials to make a boat. the trees are large and shady, green grow 25 feet tall, topping out at around 25 feet.

The bark from the tree is used in the production of the yellow dye. This plant grows well in the tropical region. The trees are found only in areas that have no dry season. The trees need a maximum amount of water to grow. This fruit contains Ascorbic acid, enzymes, bioflavonoid and also rich in minerals .

Mature Width : 20-25 ft.

Spacing : 30 ft. x 30 ft.

Growth Rate : Moderate

Drought Tolerance : Good

Harvest Time : various

Fruit Color : Yellow

Year to Bear : 4 years

Chill Hours : 45?F and 34?F